Chapter 9

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Petra's POV

" Petra, are we even allowed to be here? ", my dear boyfriend asked of me

" Nope. It's off limits according to my dorky brother. ", I grinned at Scott.

The Alpha's eyes widened before he gave me a worried and concerned look. Then he crossed his arms and changed his glare into a disapproving one. Another disapproving look after I decided to leave the beach early with him.

" Petra, we should not disrepect your brother's privacy. ", Scott said sternly

" Peter won't mind. ", I shrugged.

We were currently in my brother's room. I made the decsion to leave the beach early because I changed my mind and an idea came to my head when I saw Rae wallking towards the beach. Knowing my brother would follow after, I knew that moment was the perfect time to go through my brother's chest filled with secretive things. And when it sucked when I realized that there was a lock and I didn't have a key, but then I realized that I had a werewolf boyfriend with sharp claws.

Hehe. I'm such a genius.

" Your brother would punish the both of us if he finds out that you are trying to unlock the his private chest. ", Scott panicked

" He won't find out. ", I said in a bored tone.

" And how would you know? ", Scott raised his eyebrow.

" Rae. ", I smirked

The werewolf rolled his brown eyes at me. He shook his head of disapproval and wrapped his arms around my wasit. I smiled feeling his warmth, but struggled once I realized that he was trying to pull me away from the chest.

" Scott! I'm almost done completing the spell! ", I exclaimed

" Petra, you know this is not the right thing to do. Using Rae's and Pan's relationship  as a distraction should not be an excuse to do whatever you want. ", Scott scolded me

" This is my chance! I want to know what's inside of this chest! ", I huffed before trying to wiggle out of grip.

" It's none of our business. ", he stated while trying to pulll me

" I'm not getting go! ", I shouted keeping my grip on the chest.

" I am a lot stronger than you. ", Scott growled lowly.

" Stupid werewolf ability! ", I groaned before I was ripped away from the chest.

Scott held me tightly in his arms as I hit his chest in frustation. Then my wrist was grabbed and I was met with red eyes.

" Calm down. ", Scott said in a deep voice with a growl.

" It's more like you need to calm down. ", I rolled my eyes before yanking my wrist from his grip.

His eyes flickered back to brown before he gave me a stern look with narrowed eyes. He grabbed my wrist again and leaned his forehead against mine.

" Don't get sassy with me, lucky charm. ", Scott spoke lowly

" Whatca gonna do about it, Alpha? ", I challenged him

A smirk appeared on his face before I was pinned against the bed. His hands wrapped around my wrist and his knees locked between my legs to prevent me from escaping. He leaned down and nuzzled his head onto my shoulder before his warm breath was fanning over my neck.

" Do you really want to test an Alpha? ", Scott whispered into my ear.

" Sure. I would like to test Isaac, your Alpha. ", I smirked.

I heard a low growl erupt from his chest and into my ear. He faced me with red eyes, sharp fangs, and werewolf ears. His cheeks were hairy and his growl was powerful.

" I was just joking. ", I chucked nervously.

" I don't think you were. ", Scott snarled.

He dipped his head to where my shoulder was and gently removed my hair. I felt chills going up my spine when I realized that was shoulder and neck was bare. I didn't know if he was going to hurt me or not. I may or may not have upset him since I questioned his position.

" Scott...stop. ", I pleaded.

" Shush. ", he murmered.

Next thing I knew, I felt fangs barely touching my neck. I immediately tried to get away from him, but his grip only tightened due to his werewolf strenght. I started to breathe heavily and panic.

" Petra, calm down that heartbeat of yours. ", Scott said huskily

" Then get off me! ", I panicked

Scott snarled before burying his face into my shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the pain. But there was no pain. I only felt gentle kisses alongside of neck and shoulder and started to moan softly. I knew he would leave hickeys behind, better remember to cover that up before Peter finds out.

Scott's hands gently guided down my arms and wrapped around my wasit. His knees were on the side so he would hold up his weight without squishing me. His werewolf features disappeared and were replaced by his normal features. I wrapped my arms around him only pulling him closer.

" So who is your Alpha, Petra? ", Scott growled playfully.

" You are. ",  I giggled feeling his sweet kisses.

" Who? ", he asked

" You are my Alpha, Scott McCall. ", I chuckled before running my fingers through his hair.

My boyfriend continued to attack my neck and shoulder with kisses and love bites before pulling away and admiring his work. I breathed heavily before looking up at him.

" Did you really think I would hurt you? ", Scott rasied his eyebrow.

I shrugged in response before biting my lip nervously.

" Oh lucky charm, I was just teasing you like you tease me. I'm sorry if I scared you. ", I frowned.

I pulled him down to where we were face to face as I cupped his cheeks.

" Don't be. I find your wild side hot. ", I giggled.

Scott growled playfully before capturing my lips. We both wrapped our arms around each other and shared a passionate kiss in which we both cherished. What can I say? I fell in love with a werewolf and he fell in love with a villian.

I know. It's a twisted fairytale, but with a happy ending for us.

A/N: Long chapter already, so I have to stop. But stay tune for the next chapter :)

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