Chapter 4

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Peter's POV

Werewolves are probably one of the most weirdest yet interesting creatures that I have met.

Scott was one of those weird yet interesting werewolves and his alpha blood just makes it better to observe.

Here I am, lying on the ground still because my dear snowflake decided to flip me over and then my annoying sister kicked me where it definitely hurt the most. I just didn't have the energy to get up.

" Now I know how you feel Pan. I really just want to claw Devin's throat and hurt him because his friendship with my girlfriend is getting out of hand! " , Scott complained.

" You are just jealous. " , I said bluntly.

" I'm not the only one jealous. " , Scott sneered. " Rae also left with Devin. "

" I know. " , I said annoyed.

" Why is that kid still here, Pan? " , Scott asked me with crossed arms.

" Because of Petra. " , I stated.

" Is Petra cheating on me with him?! " , Scott asked angrily.

I looked up to meet red eyes and a snarl on Scott's face.

" Now you know how my sister feels when you are in Beacon Hills. " , I pointed out.

" What do you mean? " , the Alpha asked

" Well there is Kira and Malia that Petra dislikes. She gets these crazy thoughts and one of them being that question. " , I clarified.

" I would never cheat on Petra. Kira and Malia are just good friends of mine and part of my pack. You know I'm attracted to your sister and I love her very much. " , Scott assured me.

" Listen, you can dislike Devin all you want, but you have to trust Petra. " , I nodded.

" Well, if we are talking about jealousy, I just want to admit that I don't like any of your lost boys talking to my girl. " , Scott said bluntly.

" And Petra doesn't like you talking to any girl in Beacon Hills. " , I replied bluntly.

Scott stayed quiet. His eyes slowly becoming brown again as he took a deep breath and exhaled it. He moved to my side and sat down on the ground.

" Right. I just need to let Petra do her thing. " , Scott slowly nodded.

" And then you need to keep an eye on her for me. " , I said sternly.

" Of course, Pan. " , the Alpha nodded.

I nodded at him before titling my head to see Scott roll up his sleeves a bit. He placed his hand on my chest and had a face of concentration.

I was about to ask what the bloody hell he was doing until my eyes widened when I saw a black substance flowing through Scott's veins from my chest. I suddenly felt better as the pain slowly disappeared.

Scott kept doing whatever he was doing until he breathed heavily and patted my chest. Then he unrolled his sleeves and shook off his nerves.

" Better? " , he asked me.

" What the bloody hell was that? " , I asked with concern and interest.

" Oh...that. " , Scott lightly chuckled. " All I did was just take some of your pain away. "

" Some? " , I raised my eyebrow.

" I don't have the ability to heal anyone. I can only take away some pain from others. " , he explained.

I really should do a research on werewolves because I have no knowledge of what kind of surprises they could bring to the table.

" And so while I'm lying down in pain, you didn't think of doing that in the first place? " , I asked before I started to move by sitting up.

" I was too busy being jealous of Devin. " , Scott chuckled nervously.

" Don't waste your time. While you are gone, Devin keeps Petra company. " , I said casually before standing up and brushing off the excess dirt and leaves off me.

" Company? " , Scott growled.

" As a friend. " , I rolled my eyes.

Scott lowly growled before snarling to himself. His hands clenched together.

" Stop pretending to be all big and tough in front of me, pup. " , I said. " Everyone knows you are a softy and you probably don't hate Devin. "

" Doesn't matter. Petra is mine. No lost boy will  touch her, talk to her, keep her company, comfort her, give her attention, or be near her unless he wants to deal with me. " , Scott snarled.

" I'm much worse. " , I sneered.

" Agreed. " , Scott murmured.

I shook my head at the werewolf before I started to walk out of camp and into the woods.

" Where are you going? " , Scott hollered.

" To spy on Rae and Petra and Devin. " , I said causally before turning around. " Care to join me? "

" Lead the way. " , Scott said firmly

A/N: I like this chapter because Peter acually gets along with Scott 😂
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