Chapter 19

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Peter's POV

I called for a meeting.

The meeting included: my sister, her boyfriend, and Felix. The meeting was located in a large tent located near camp. The other lost boys were doing their tasks given to me so I kept them busy.

I had Felix lay out the scattered half-written letters on a table. My sister titled her head in confusion with her boyfriend wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her.

" Whoever wrote these letters made many mistakes, which is probably why most of them are half written. " , Petra pointed out.

" And they didn't even bother to trash their evidence. " , Felix retorted.

" When did you find these? " , Petra asked me.

" Hidden in the corner of my drawer. " , I replied.

" Well, I don't know what this person was trying to say. Most of the letters are blurred or smeared, but some words are readable. " , Petra nodded.

" Agreed. " , Scott said.

Petra smiled before kissing him on the cheek. Since Scott has his head rested on my sister's shoulder, he kissed her cheek im return and held her close to him.

" I can only make out the words: Princess Raegan, Prince Killian, Ireland, power, puppets, new era, king, and your name, Pan. " , Felix informed me.

" What does this have to do with Rae leaving me? " , I groaned as I placed my hands on the table and continuously leaning back and forth.

" Isn't Rae leaving back to Ireland? " , Scott questioned.

" Yeah. But what for? " , Felix asked.

" I don't know. " , I muttered feeling frustrated.

" Well it has something to do with power, puppets, new era, and king. " , Petra declared.

I picked one of the papers and squinted my eyes to try to read the entire letter, but huffed as I placed it on the table scattered the letters everywhere.

" How the bloody hell am I suppose to figure out who wrote it if the words are smeared and the letter is unreadable. " , I asked with frustration.

Everyone remained quiet as I unleashed my frustration and anger. Someone was trying to separate Rae and I and that someone was probably planning on hurting Rae when she arrives at Ireland. Someone had set this all up.

Petra raised her hand.

" What? " , I asked bitterly.

" Have you ever heard of werewolves? " , she asked randomly.

" Duh. " , I scoffed before pointing at Scott.

" Did you know werewolves have many abilities? " , Petra slowly nodded.

" I didn't know. " , Felix said before I rubbed in face in annoyance.

" Yes, now get to the bloody point! " , I exclaimed.

" Well, werewolves have this ability where their smell is strong. They can sense something and describe it to you. " , Petra informed us.

" That is true. " , Scott said before ruffling my sister's hair.

" Still not getting the point. " , I muttered.

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