Chapter 12

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Peter's POV

I leaned my head against the bark of the tree. My arms crossed above my chest. I sat on a tree branch and watched my snowflake stand next to her bloody brother.

The pirate crew carried shipments onto the ship while receiving orders from their captain. Rae stayed quiet the entire time while her hair was ruffled by Hook sometimes to ensure her decision. I frowned when I saw her brother wrap his arm around her and kiss her forehead while Rae leaned into his chest.

Oh how I already missed her in my arms.

The familiar breeze behind me didn't frightened me at all. I already knew it was him.

" Why aren't you fighting for her? ", my shadow asked in his deep voice.

" She doesn't want me. " , I said bluntly.

" Then make her stay, Pan. You simply can't let Hook leave with Rae. " , my shadow scoffed.

" I don't want to hold her here against her will. It is best if she leaves this island to be with her brother. " , I said emotionlessly.

" That's not the Pan that I know. " , my shadow replied bitterly.

" I hurt Rae enough. She deserves someone better. Maybe a prince or something. " , I muttered.

" Do you even know where Rae is going? " , My shadow huffed.

" I don't know. " , I sighed.

" Do something, Pan. Don't let her go. " , my shadow pleaded. " You are letting your happiness slip away. "

I placed my hand over my chest to where I felt my heart barely beating.

" Rae showed me a paper of " my " plan to kill Hook without Rae's consent. " , I sighed. " And it wasn't even my handwriting. "

" See, this was a setup! " , my shadow exclaimed.

" I know. " , I rolled my eyes.

" Then tell Rae that it was a setup. " , my shadow nodded.

" It doesn't matter. " , I mumbled.

" Yes it does! " , my shadow slightly pushed my shoulder. " Go back to retrieve your girlfriend. "

" We aren't dating anymore. " , I gritted my teeth.

My shadow floated in front of me. His white glowing eyes held concern and sadness.

" Are you telling me that you lost her for good? " , he asked sadly.

" Indeed. " , I confirmed. " Why even bother when my words are only lies to her ears. She will never listen to me, especially since I'm a villian. "

I felt my eyes starting to water, but quickly blinked it away. My heart was already broken in pieces and my body felt numb. I felt nothing anymore. I felt like I was nothing to anyone.

" Set the sails! Store away the crates! Clean up the deck! Fix the ropes! " , I heard the captain holler orders.

I watched as the last of the crew carried a crate. Hook started walking aboard the Jolly Roger standing proud and tall, but Rae still hasn't moved a muscle.

" Come on, pig. We must get going if we want to get to Ireland. " , Hook said.

Ireland? Are they returning back to Ireland?

" I will be right back. " , Rae hollered before she started walking away from the ship.

I waved my hand to dismiss my shadow when I looked down to see the familiar black-haired and blue-eyed girl walk towards my direction.

" So you are going back to Ireland. " , I spoke lowly.

" Indeed. " , Rae confirmed. " My brother and I have been invited back to Ireland. "

" So back to your princess ways. " , I muttered.

" Yeah. " , Rae slowly nodded.

" Such a shame. " , I fake smiled.

Rae sighed before shaking her head.

" Come down please. " , she pleaded quietly.

" No. " , I replied stubbornly.

" Rae! Let's go! " , The bloody pirate shouted.

" Hold on! " , Rae responsed before giving me her puppy eyes when she wants something.

Curse her baby blue eyes.

I leaped down from the tree with my arms still crossed. I stood face to face with Rae, but due to her shortness, I had to look down.

Her hands found my face to cup my cheeks pulling me down to her height. Her ocean eyes held sadness and fear.

" Our worlds can't collide, Peter. You and I are different. I don't even know what to do with you and your bipolar behavior. " , Rae sighed.

" We can start all over. " , I whispered sadly.

" It's best if I return home, Peter. There is nothing in Neverland for me and I prefer going back to being a princess. I would also like to spend time with my brother. " , she explained.

I frowned at her explanation and felt my eyes starting to water.

" Although we aren't dating anymore, I hope we can stay as friends. " , she smiled weakly.

" You will forget me, Rae. " , I spoke sadly.

" No, I won't. You can still visit me at night. " , she said with hope.

" It's not that simple. " , I sighed.

" Peter...please. " , she pleaded as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Then my heart started to melt.

" You are right. I must let you go for your sake. I want you to live a beautiful life as a princess and rule your kingdom where it's in your own world. " , I said laced with sadness

" Did you ever really love me? " , Rae asked quietly.

I held her hands gently and made eye contact as I kissed her nose gently.

" I still love you. " , I whispered softly before removing her loose hair aside from her face. " You are the only girl that I ever will love. "

And that's when she broke down crying. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and spilled tears into my chest. I held her tightly and stroked her soft hair for the probably the last time.

" I don't deserve you. " , she sniffled.

" A princess like you deserves everything. " , I reminded her before kissing her forehead.

" Pig! We have to go! " , Hook yelled.

" Rae, you need to go. " , I whispered gently.

My little snowflake wouldn't let go of me. I sighed knowing that she would be this stubborn to leave.

" Little snowflake, don't keep your brother waiting. " , I said softly while patting her back.

She finally released me but still held my hand. Her puffy eyes and sniffles softened my heart and I felt time coming to an end for us.

A/N: Go ahead. Shame on me for doing this to my readers 🤦🏽‍♀️ But don't hate me, at least stay tune for the chapters 💕

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