Chapter 6

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Petra's POV

Here we are. Rae and I ready to defend ourselves against those two lurking creatures that hid in the shadows. We both were ready to kill off our threats until we acually faced them.

The Alpha had on a look that made me feel guilty. His red eyes glared at me and I could feel the vibration of his chest from his growling lowly. His fangs clearly visible.

On the other hand, Peter had on an look of interest when Rae faced him. His green eyes lingered at the sword that was still pointed towards his neck. His face becoming stern.

I turned towards Scott and slowly got off of him. I slide my dagger down my belt before slowly backing away. The waves of guilt overwhelmed me once I realized that Scott opened his arms to hug me but instead I almost killed him.

The Alpha raised himself up before shaking the extra leaves off him. His red eyes turned towards my direction and he gave me a glare. I started to walk backwards before bumping into someone's back. I looked behind me to see Rae already backed away from my brother.

" What do we do now? ", Rae whispered to me

" Stay still. ", I replied quietly

Scott took his time approaching me slowly until we came face to face. Due to our height differences, he leaned down to where our eyes met. I studied his ruby eyes and noticed how bright of a red they were.

My hands moved on their own and touched the Alpha's warm cheeks. In response to that, he leaned more into my hand to feel my touch before his arms snaked around my waist. Then he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his wasit before facing him with my hands leaving the warmth of his cheeks. He frowned and buried his face into my shoulder before holding me close.

" I'm sorry. ", I said quietly

" For what? ", he murmered

" Almost killing you. ", I mumbled

" It's okay. I understand you were just being defensive. ", he said softly

" I'm sorry. ", I repeated feeling really guilty

" Lucky charm, I should be the one apologizing for frightening you. ", he sighed

" Don't apologize. ", I shook my head before running my fingers through his soft hair.

" I sowwy. ", he said

" Alpha. ", I pouted

A small chuckle escaped from his mouth before he kissed my cheek and leaned his forehead against mine. His red eyes and fangs were no long visble, but replaced by brown eyes and perfect teeth. I smiled slighty before cupping his cheeks and placing a kiss on his nose.

We both laughed before I buried my face into his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his neck. I felt him gently rubbing my back in circluar motions.

" Weirdos. ", I heard Peter said

" Let them be, Peter. ", I heard Rae scold him

" You are just jealous. ", I huffed before raising my head to look down at my brother.

" Why would I be jealous? ", Peter asked in a bored tone.

" Because Scott is a better boyfriend then you will ever be towards Rae. ", I retorted

Peter huffed before he started to pull my leg harshly.

" Get off Petra Pan. ", Peter ordered me

" Don't touch me. ", I scoffed trying to kick him

Scott's growl interrupted our little vickering as he pulled me away my brother.

" Don't growl at me. ", Peter scoffed

" Then leave your sister alone. ", Scott said firmly

I stuck out my tongue at my annoying brother and giggled at Scott's protectivness over me.

" Now, now Peter. Why don't we all head back to camp and enjoy each other's company. ", Rae suggested

" Acually, Scotty and I already planned to go to the beach. ", I said.

" Alrighty, then Peter why don't we do something fun together? Just the two of us. ", Rae suggested to Peter.

Peter kept his glare on Scott and I before nodding his head as a response to Rae's suggestion. Rae tugged on his arms and Peter held her hand gently before giving me that look. I blushed at the thought and waved Peter off between assuring him that Scott and I were just going to go swimming.

And from there on, Rae dragged Peter back into the woods despite Peter's protest.

" Nice call. " , Scott chuckled.

" Thanks. " , I smiled shyly.

" Shall we go to the beach? " , he asked.

" We shall. " , I nodded.

I wiggled and wiggled trying to free myself from Scott's grip on me. I tried  to move his arms, but of course his muscular arms were no match for me.

" Scott, put me down. " , I pouted.

" Nope. " , Scott smiled before kissing my forehead. " I will carry you, my lucky charm. "

" Alpha, I can walk. " , I said stubbornly.

" I know. I just prefer carrying my girl. " , Scott shrugged before he started to walk towards the direction of the beach.

I sighed before snuggling close to his chest and lying my head on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his neck.

" That's a good girl. " , he whispered gently.

A/N: Do you like Scott and Petra as a couple? 🤷🏽‍♀️
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