Chapter 47

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Rae's POV

I walked side by side next to Peter as we held hands. Petra and Scott followed behind us as we made our way to camp. Yeah, it was probably late at night, but apparently the happiness of my health couldn't wait until the morning. Peter was too eager to show me off.

Once we arrived at camp, the lost boys were gathered together as they all pointed to the sky and talked next to their friends. Felix leaned against a tree while sharpening a stick with his dagger, but then our presence caught his attention.

" Boys! " , Peter exclaimed.

The lost boys all turned around and their attention went towards me. They hollered in excitement before rushing towards me at once with hugs. I laughed before being tackled down by the lost boys as the younger ones hugged me tightly.

" Move it! " , Devin's voice was heard before he made his way towards me. " Give the girl some space. "

The lost boys regrouped and surrounded me. Devin turned around and held out his hand which I gladly took as I stood back up. I gently wiped off the dust off my clothes that were similar to Peter's since my boyfriend wouldn't allow me to leave in his shirt and my fuzzy socks. I chuckled before smiling at them.

" We all missed you. " , Devin said.

" Awe, I missed you too. " , I said softly.

" Why did you leave us? " , one of the twins asked.

" Why leave Pan heartbroken? " , the other twin asked.

" Why come back? " , Tootles asked.

" It was a huge mistake to leave Peter behind. I allowed myself to fall for a trap when I should have trusted Peter's word. I know I don't deserve to be back, but I'm hoping to get a chance. " , I smiled slightly.

I was greeted by silence as each and every one of the lost boys just stared at me with cloudy thoughts. Felix was the first to approach me and he gave me a small smile before hugging me. Then Devin gave me a hug followed Tootles. Then I was welcomed by many arms around me as giggles and laughs escaped from my lips.

Oh how I missed each and every one of them.

" Okay, that's enough. " , Peter said sternly with a hint of jealousy.

Then each arm unlinked as the boys scurried back to where they were. Devin was the only lost boy who remained. His arms around my waist.

" Devin. Go fetch Captain Hook for me. " , Peter gritted his teeth.

" I'm busy. " , Devin said.

" It was an order. " , Peter said sternly.

" Right...yes Pan. " , Devin saluted before he gave me a small smile and left the camp.

Peter rolled his eyes before approaching me from behind with his arms around his waist. I giggled before leaning against his chest and looking up at the sky. I gasped in awe seeing the green light streaks across the night sky before I felt sparks between Peter and I.

I gently grabbed his bracelet from his wrist and took it off before taking mine off as well. I placed the two bracelets next to one another as I dangled it in the air and watched them both glow green.

" It's the bracelets. " , I stated.

" How can a piece of jewelry make the sky like that? " , Petra asked while pointing up above.

" I don't know for sure, but it might have to do with our love for one another. Neverland probably sensed our love and so the magic in the island grew stronger. " , I assumed.

" So how come Neverland can sense that and not Scott's and I's love for one another? " , she frowned.

" Maybe because Scott isn't from Neverland. " , Peter snorted.

" Rae isn't from Neverland either! " , Petra agrued.

" Well she is apart of it now. " , Peter said.

Petra's lips curved into a frown before she looked at Scott then turned her attention towards Peter. I sighed before giving Peter back his bracelet and putting mine back on my wrist.

" So while you and Rae get to be together in Neverland, I'm left behind when Scott goes back home. " , Petra frowned.

" You are leaving? " , I questioned him.

" I have to leave. I must be in Beacon Hills for 6 months and then I can stay in Neverland for the other 6 months. It's how I divide my time with Petra and my time with my mom and pack. " , Scott explained.

Petra's tears descended down her cheeks before her boyfriend leaned down and hugged her gently. She hugged him back and leaned against his chest while Scott rubbed her back gently. I nudged Peter's arm for him to do something.

" Maybe I can make arrangements. " , Peter suggested after putting back on his bracelet.

" We are listening. " , Scott spoke up while holding his gloomy girlfriend.

" I will allow my sister to be with you in Beacon Hills for 2 months, but she must visit me during the weekends. The other 4 months, she must return to Neverland to attend her duties and may visit you during the weekend. " , Peter proposed.

" And holidays. " , Petra added.

" Yes. You may be with him during the holidays. " , Peter nodded.

Her screams of excitement echoed throughout camp and all of the lost boys plugged their ears with her fingers before groaning at the high picth. Even Scott had to release his grip from Petra and place his hands over his ears.

" Lucky charm, werewolf hearing here. " , Scott said before rubbing his ears.

" Sorry. " , Petra whispered quietly before kissing his cheek.

" That wasn't necessary. " , Peter mumbled.

Petra chuckled before running towards her brother and hugging him tightly. Peter gently patted her back and hugged her back before Scott hugged Peter from behind.

" Thank you, Peter. " , Petra smiled.

" You are welcome. " , Peter said softly before ruffling her hair. " If I find out Petra gets injured or in trouble, your shadow is mine. " , he whispered to Scott.

" Yes Pan. " , Scott nodded.

I chuckled before hearing a familar voice and heavy footsteps approach the camp.

" PIG! ", my brother exclaimed

A/N: Would you want to live in Neverland or Beacon Hills? Much love for my fellow readers!

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