Chapter 15

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Peter's POV

" I will always love you. " , my snowflake shouted at me.

It would be the last time that I hear her voice.

I watched the Jolly Roger slowly disappear out my sight and into the mist. I closed my eyes and hummed softly feeling the connection of the ship leaving Neverland's borders before opening my eyes again.

I shoved my hands in my pocket and watched the ocean waves become gentle and calm. My boots feeling the coldness of the salty water and wet sand. My emotions went through a roller coaster. My heart agruing with my brain. The atmosphere of Neverland immediately changed due to my mood.

I knew that with Rae's absence, it would affect me, which would affect Neverland. I knew that Rae was my light and she slowly drifted away leaving me in the darkness. I didn't know if leaving me in the darkness was a good thing for me considering that I was use to it, but now the real question was: what do I do now?

Petra's POV

" What if I convinced my brother to come with you to Beacon Hills? " , I suggested.

" Your brother is as stubborn as a mule. " , Scott pointed out.

" I know, but I want to be with you. " , I pouted

" Petra. " , he sighed.

" You have met my family and friends. This is a great opportunity for me to meet your family and friends. " , I nodded.

" Well, I don't want you to meet any ghost riders. " , he shook his head.

" I would be happy to meet them. " , I smiled. " And then kick their butt. "

Scott's laughs filled the air and I felt his chest vibrate. I giggled before rubbing his muscles gently.

" But seriously, Scott. If I can convince Peter, then I'm going and there is nothing that you can do to stop me. " , I stated.

My boyfriend put his hands up surrendering to me before bowing his head. I rolled my eyes before grabbing him by the collar and kissing him passionately. He returned the kiss and held me close as I stayed in his arms.

Suddenly, the wind changed and a force appeared out of nowhere as it went through Scott and I and continued to move through my room and outside of Neverland. We both pulled away and a look of realization just hit me.

" Petra, what was that? " , Scott asked concerned.

" Peter. " , I whispered.

Immediately, I grabbed my boots snd slipped them on before running towards the door. I looked below my balcony getting ready to jump before sighing. I ran back inside and tugged on Scott's arm since he still was tying his shoes.

" I'm coming. " , he said before grabbing my hand.

We both ran out the door and jumped off my balcony. Me landing on Scott's back as he gave me a piggyback ride. My arms around his neck and his hands holding my legs carefully.

" Any scent on Peter? " , I asked my werewolf boyfriend.

" Yep. " , Scott nodded leading the way.

I hung on to Scott tightly and closed my eyes due to his werewolf speed making me a little dizzy. Then he stopped his pace and I opened my eyes to see us arrive at camp.

I jumped down from Scott's back and looked around to see the lost boys scattered everywhere. I turned to Felix who was leaning against a tree.

" What happened? " , I asked nobody in particular.

Every lost boy stayed quiet. Nobody spoke a word.

" Rae left Neverland. " , Devin broke the silence.

" Rae? As in my brother's girlfriend? " , I asked in disbelief.

" Rae broke up with Pan so they technically aren't dating anymore. " , Devin replied.

I felt anger boil in my blood. It was no wonder the atmosphere in Neverland changed. This was the effect of Rae's absence.

" Why did she break up with him? " , I asked sternly with clenched fist.

My brother gave his everything to her. He would do anything for her. He sacrificed so much to make Rae happy and this is what he gets in return!

" Because she found out about a scheme that " I " planned without her conset. " , my brother interrupted as he came out of the shadows.

" So you didn't acually write it down? " , I asked seeing him using quotations when he mentioned himself.

" No. It wasn't even my handwriting and I don't write down my schemes and just lay them around. " , he retorted.

" How the bloody hell did that pirate get ahold of it? " , I asked with curiosity.

" I don't know. " , Peter murmured.

" It was obviously a set up. " , Devin said in a duh tone.

Whispers and murmers were exchanged between the lost boys. Scott wrapped his arms around my waist protectively and placed his chin on my shoulder gently.

" It was obviously Hook! " , I exclaimed angrily. " That one handed pirate with a drinking problem wanted to separate you both! "

" I highly doubt it was him. " , Peter said lowly.

" Then who was it? " , Devin threw his hands in the air dramatically.

" It doesn't matter. Rae and I separated into different paths. She goes back to Ireland and continue her princess duties while I stay in Neverland and fulfill my duties. " , Peter clarified.

My jaw dropped at my brother's calmness with Rae's absence. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

" I know many of you are concerned about me, but don't waste your time on it. Don't worry about me. My heart may be broken, but it will heal. For now, just continue whatever you were doing. I'm fine. " , my brother announced before nodding his head.

The lost boys saluted to Peter and scurried away. Felix went up to Peter and whispered something to him before leaving the camp.

I approached my brother and placed my hand on his cheek. It didn't take long for his emotions to show as a single tear streamed down his cheek.

" I'm not fine. " , he croaked.

A/N: I'm not crying...just got allergies in my eyes 💕 Hope you all have a wonderful day lovelies.

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