Chapter 21

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Rae's POV

I followed Captain Hook through the small hallways. I distracted myself by looking at other valuable things that were displayed on the ship and with that I managed to bump into the back of a black leather coat.

" Silly pig. " , Killian chuckled.

" Leave me alone. " , I mumbled.

My brother shook his head with an amused smile before he opened a door and turned on the lights. He held my hand gently and led me inside of the room. My eyes widened at the masterpiece.

It was a medium size bedroom that screamed elegance and pirate. There was a bed with a nightsand, a bookshelf, a bathroom connected to the room, a closet, and chests scattered around with a window above it.

" Wow, slug. It's perfect. " , I sai excitingly.

Killian smiled before patting my head and closing the door behind us. He walked ahead of me and adjusted the curtains on the windows before he sighed.

" Are you okay, slug? " , I asked concerned.

" Indeed I am, little pig. " , he spoke before turning around to face me. " I'm just honored to have you on my ship. It means a lot to me. "

" Awe slug. " , I smiled slightly before hugging him tightly.

" I missed you so much, Rae. I'm so happy to have you back. " , Killian whispered quietly as he hugged me back and laid his head on my shoulder.

" I missed you too Killian. " , I whispered back before running my fingers through his black locks and patting his back.

It felt good to be with my older brother. Ha, I never knew that I would be related to the famous Captain Hook. It's hard to believe that slug use to be a prince before becoming a pirate, but it happened.

Killian released himself from me and kissed my forehead before leading me to the bed. He took the pillows and propped them up against the headboard before leaning against it. He pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and started to clean his hook.

" Slug, tell me the story about your hook. " , I pleaded with curiosity.

" Well, grab that stool from nearby and sit down. It's a long story. " , he stated.

I turned behind me and saw a stool standing in the corner of the room. I smiled before moving my seat next to Killian. I sat on the stool and folded my hands together.

" Tell me, Captain Hook. " , I teased.

Slug gave me a look before he put away his handkerchief and used his hand to twist the hook. I watched carefully before I saw Killian holding his hook in his hand and looking at it.

" Like any other young boy, I was born with two hands. As a prince, I was forced to take lessons and put on a fake smile for the crowd. I was to be our parents' perfect child, but I knew that I was never going to be close to being perfect. " , Killian shrugged.

" Yeah. Father and mother wanted me to be that perfect child. I didn't mind being a princess, but I felt like I was a puppet to our parents. " , I frowned.

Killian ruffled my hair before continuing his story.

" Anyway, I was a stubborn prince wanting to explore the forest. I waited until it was night to take that opportunity to explore the dark woods. I brought my sword with me incase of protection, but I didn't know how to use it properly. " , he explained.

I chuckled at that comment before nudging his shoulder.

" Now you know how to use a sword. " , I teased him.

Killian chuckled and shook his head.

" Well at that night, I found myself at a swamp. I saw something move in the waters, so I stepped close to it and that was a huge mistake. " , he sighed. " A crocodile appeared from the water and took my hand that night. "

I gasped and shuttered at the thought of that happening to Killian. I made disgusted faces and shook my head.

" I was immediately taken to the hospital and forever would be one handed. The king and queen disapproved of my action and disowned me that day. I ran away the next day. " , Killian murmured.

" How did you become a pirate? " , I asked him.

" Well I stole a magic bean from somewhere, can't remember, and used it to escape my royalty life. I found myself landing in Capitan Blackbeard's ship. To spare my life, I was forced to work as a cabin boy and observed the bloody captain. From there on, I knew that I wanted to become a pirate. " , Killian stated proudly.

" Where did you get the hook from? " , I raised my eyebrow.

" Oh. This old thing? " , he questioned before shoving the hook in front of my face. " Why Smee found me a hook to replace my hand. "

" How did you become the famous Captain Hook " , I asked excitingly.

" Well in my young teen years, I befriended Smee who used to be a locksmith before he joined my crew. He made this hook for me as a gift when I allowed him to join my pirate crew. Thus, I was voted captain, so here I am as Captain Hook. " , Killian explained.

" That's so cool. " , I smiled before lightly touching his hook.

" Yep. " , Killian smiled slightly before ruffling my hair with his hand.

The wooden door opened slightly to reveal the short gray-haired, Mr. Smee. He took off his red hat and bowed his head.

" What is it, Smee? " , Killian asked sternly.

" I just came to let you know that the ship is ready to fly. " , Mr. Smee announced.

" Aye. " , my brother said before getting out of the bed and latching his hook on his other arm.

" Hello Rae. " , Mr. Smee smiled before waving at me.

" Hello Mr. Smee. " , I grinned while waving at him.

" She is a beautiful jewel, captain. A treasure that must be guarded. " , he nodded.

" I know. " , Killian grunted before kissing my forehead.

I smiled slightly before staying still in the bed. A soft yawn escaped from my lips as I saw the sunlight flood my room with orange-pinkish colors through my window.

" Get some rest, Rae. " , Killian whispered.

" How long are we going to fly? " , I frowned.

" I don't know. But you will feel the ship float from the waters so don't be scared. If anything happens, holler my name. I will be on deck. " , Killian instructed.

" Aye Captain. " , I saluted.

My brother smiled before leaving the room. Mr. Smee bowed his head before waving at me again and closing the door.

A sigh escaped from my lips when I realized that I was to face my fear of heights all alone.

A/N: Interesting chapter about Captain Hook ⚔️ Pan silbings or the Jones silbings? 🤷🏽‍♀️

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