Chapter 48

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Rae's POV

" SLUG! " , I exclaimed happily.

My older brother ran towards me and picked me up before swigging me around. I giggled before receiving a hug from him and a kiss on my forehead. The familiar scent of leather and salt water hit my nose and I knew that I was definitely reunited with Killian.

" Aye Rae. " , Mr. Smee waved.

" Mr. Smee! " , I exclaimed before hugging him as well.

" Devin, I meant just the bloody pirate. " , Peter grumbled.

" Well the old guy wanted to come to. " , Devin shrugged before returning to his spot at the campfire.

" Are you okay? " , Killian asked me concerned before examining my side.

" I'm completely fine. " , I assured him.

" I didn't think Petra would heal you quickly. " , he murmured.

" It wasn't Petra. It was magic, Killian. " , I stated.

" Magic? Are you sure? " , he raised his eyebrow at me.

" Anything is possible in Neverland, Captain. " , Mr. Smee reminded him.

" Aye. " , Killian replied in agreement.

" Has the ship been fixed? " , I asked nervously.

" Indeed, Rae. She looks good as new. " , Mr. Smee smiled at me.

I sighed in relief before turning back to see Peter standing there with crossed arms above his chest. Petra stood next to her brother with Scott's arms around his girlfriend from behind. The lost boys focused on their own task as some looked at the tense between Peter and Killian.

I took a deep breath before playing with my hands nervously. I knew this would take a lot of courage for me to do so and hoped that things would go well for me.

" Killian, I need to tell you something. " , I said quietly.

" In front of everyone or in private? " , he asked.

" In front of everyone. " , I nodded.

" Go ahead. " , Killian said.

I took a deep breath before looking up at my brother to meet his blue eyes. After a lot of thinking, I knew that I was making the decision, but I wanted to make sure that my brother knew about it. I plan to always be close to my older brother.

" Peter and I got back together. " , I begun.

His eyes slightly darkened before he crossed his arms above his chest. He used his hook to scratch his beard before nodding for me to continue.

" I know that you hate Peter. I mean you both are long term enemies for a reason. It's in the fairytale, so I understand, but I would like for you to know that I don't see Peter the way that you see him. " , I stated.

" So you don't see him as a bloody demon? " , Killian asked bluntly

" No. I don't see him that way. Once you really get to know Peter like I do, he can very sweet and loving. That boy is my first love and nobody can replace him. " , I stated proudly.

" Okay, so say that I let you. " , Killian said before using his hand and hook to exaggerate. " What do you plan to do in Neverland? Is that how you want your life to be? "

" I plan to stay by Peter's side. For my entire childhood, I have always dreamed to live in Neverland because of the many wonders this island holds. Not to mention that Peter and I can fly anywhere else for a little adventure. It's what I want to do with my life. " , I clarified.

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