Chapter 7

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"Why?" Was the first thing that came out of Eraserhead's mouth on their second meeting.

"Why what? you're going to be a little more specific." Deku replied casually. 

He already had a feeling as to where the underground hero was going but it was still more fun to mess around.

"Why did you save my student from the Hero Killer?"

"Well why not?"

"One day I will figure you out." Eraserhead declared.

"At least by me dinner first." He joked despite the glare it earned him from the hero. "What, Stain thought it was funny."

"Did you ask me here just to waste my time or do you have something important. If it's just wasting my time then I have no problem arresting you right here and now."

"Whoa whoa easy there tiger. I do in fact have some more info for you. I was going to wait till I had more to contact you but armour boy gave me an easy way to contact you." He shrugged at the hero's glare. "I was going to make a joke about hunting down more of your students to pass messages but I can see that you're in no mood."

"Just get on with it I don't have all night."

"Jeez, bossy much." Deuk muttered under his breath. "I've got more on the girl. Her name is Eri, no last name will help you find her. Her quirk allows her to reverse time for anything he has contact with. Doesn't matter if it's a person or an object. It's only a rumour but apparently she reversed time on her parents to a point where they didn't even exist anymore."

"Do you have a picture of her?" 

"You're lucky, I got a hold of it this morning." He replied, handing over a picture of a small, scared girl with white hair and a horn. "If you do find her, I suggest keeping her away from hospitals. They could trigger bad memories and stop her from trusting you."

"Speaking from experience I presume." Eraserhead guessed.

Deku shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe I've seen it happen, maybe it's happened to me. Either way I've got to go and make sure no one has started a fire."

He felt Eraserhead watch him go but knew that the Hero wasn't likely to follow him to the bar. Even still he made sure to take the long way back, making it difficult for anyone to have followed him.

"Welcome back Deku!" Toga exclaimed as soon as he came through the front door. 

"Damn it Toga stop fucking yelling!" He yelled back.

"Boo." She pouted before sticking her tongue out at him.

"DEKU!"  Shigiraki screamed as he came from the staircase to the rooms.

"Wow, I haven't had my name said that angrily in almost a year and a half." He muttered, a little surprised.

"You were with a fucking hero weren't you you traitor." Shigiraki accused, leaping to attack him. Thankfully for Deku, he was able to dodge the attack. 

"My meetings with him started long before joining and they have nothing to do with the league. If anything I'm helping."

"He's the homeroom teacher of that hero class."

"I know that. He's also one of my contacts. I've been giving him information on a rival group and now he owes me." Deku simply stated. "The Eight Precepts of Death. You can ask Sensei about them if you must."

"Fine. I will. But If I find out you're lying then you know what happens." With that Shigaraki slammed the door shut and Kurogiri sighed and muttered about how it almost always breaks when slammed like that.

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