Chapter 16

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(Not villain Deku but still great)

"Sooo, is there a particular reason I'm tied up?" He asked with a sigh. "I know your supposed to be kidnapping me and all but I'm starting to loose feeling in my arms." Currently he lay in the backseat of some stolen car as Dabi drove like a mad man with Toga giving out incorrect directions every so often.

"Well it wouldn't be a kidnapping if it looked like you came willingly." Toga paused in her direction giving to answer. "You're just salty that we arrived while you were sleeping."

"It's the first time I'd gotten any sleep in 48 hours." He snapped back, trying to wiggle in his bonds to make himself a tad more comfortable.

"You can sleep later, now we run from the po-po." Dabi interjected as be drove like a mad man, weaving in and out traffic like he actually wanted to be in a crash. "Man this would be so much easier if I actually knew what I was doing" Dabi mused aloud.

"We're all going to fucking die because of your driving, I'm so calling it." He screeched as they swerved past some granny walking across the road. "And I want my tomb stone to say 'I told you so' in big fancy letters."

"Stop being a drama queen, we've basically lost them." Toga said as she bumped her shoulder against his. True to her words the sirens were fading into the background as Dabi took them further into suburban territory. "Almost back now, everyone can't wait to see you again. I think handyman missed you the most, besides Dabi and I of course, but you know that he's such a tsundere that he'd never admit it."

Deku decided to pretend he never heard any of that and then proceeded to ignore everything else Toga was saying till they arrived. It wasn't the bar obviously, considering it was totally demolished in the battle between one for all and all for one. This base happened to be what he guessed to be an abandoned ware house in the middle of no where. His bindings were sliced open by Toga and he was able to exit the car.

"Classy." He remarked sarcastically at the outside appearance of the building. It looked like it could fall over in the slightest gust of wind. Hopefully it wouldn't but you never really know. Upon entering he was greeted by the villains in almost a celebratory manner. Not what he was expecting at all. He'd been ready to face disappointment or even anger when he returned. Never in his life had Deku been so glad to be wrong.

"Three cheer for Deku's return!" Spinner whooped in excitement, coming over to give him a tight side hug before pushing forword where others clasped him on the shoulder or ruffle his still pink hair.

The rest of the day felt like a party especially after Kurogiri brought out alcohol for everyone, even letting the younger villains have some despite his usual no nonsense attitude. Toga ended up drunk crying about how Mamagiri was dead and had to be taken to her room at the back of the building.

Finally as the day came to a close, crusty hands approached him. "What can I do for you Shigy?" He askes, leaning against onw of the few still standing tables as the other looked over him.

"You've spent too much time with the heroes. How so we know you aren't working with them now." Shigaraki eyed him with suspicion, ignoring the ridiculous nickname.

Deku burst out laughing; drawing the attention of Kurogiri and Dabi. "Good one handyman. Sure there are a few heroes that are actually good in my opinion." He started once he finally stopped laughing. "But Dabi and Toga where there when I needed help the most and unlike some people I know, I don't betray my friends. Oh and if you even think about telling them I said that, I'll deny everything." Deku added with a wink.

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