Chapter 6

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"So, you and Nash huh?" I say budging Brooke a little while raising my eyebrows.

"Well we are going out tomorrow, and he's really swee-" I cut her off because I know how she acts around boys she likes. And she giggled and she never giggles.

"I know you like Nash" she doesn't make eye contact with me she is just watching one foot go in front of the other. "Brooke hello!" I say while making her look at me

"Ok maybe I like Nash-" I interrupted her

"Ah ha! I knew it!" I squeal in excitement.


How the hell did she know I like Nash? Is she fucking psychic or something? Like BISH WHET?

"Damn why are you so excited?" I say while laughing

"Because if Taylor likes me which I highly doubt he does- then we could go on double dates together and stuff!"

"Whoah there hun. Did you just say that you don't think Taylor likes you?"


"Um. Betch are you blind?! You can totally see he is flirting with you! I saw it with my own two eyes, he said 'want a piggy back ride- nope you have no choice get on my back' I saw it and don't tell me different at all or el-" I was interrupted by Sam

"Yeah okay maybe he might like me just the slightest chance. But you and Nash! pshh I ship you two so damn hard. Your ship name would be Bash or, or, Nooke! I think Bash what about you?!"

"Whoah Sam, let's calm down we haven't even gone out yet. Let's just decide this when we know for real okay?"

"Okay fine love you"

"Haha love you too Sam!"

We finally arrive at my house from just 15 minutes of walking. That wasn't to bad of a walk. When we got home we updated Courtney on our plans for tomorrow, and everything that happened tonight.

When Sam wasn't there to talk to, I would talk to Courtney. We talked about everything from boys to bananas. We talked about everything and just enjoyed each other's company.

Me and Sam both went down stairs after saying good night to Courtney and we are getting ready for bed.

After I took off my makeup, I stripped down my clothes and hopped in the shower. Once I got out I wrapped my self in my robe and put my hair up in the towel. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a braid.

I went under my sheets and grabbed my phone. I got a text from Nash.

Nash- Hey I can't wait for tomorrow:)

I have a smile on my face from ear to ear- I reply

Me- Get ready for an ass whipping at ring toss! I always used to go to carnivals and I would whoop everyone's ass at ring toss! haha jk;)

Nash- Ok then what ever you say:)

Me- Haha that's right! See ya tomorrow.:)

Nash- Haha okay night babe;)

Ahhh I love my life it can't get anymore perfect!

"Night Sam!"

"Night Brooke!"


Oh my god! Brooke is just so perfect. I am so excited for our date tomorrow. After a couple dates if everything goes well then I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend! Lets hope for the best!


So this was kind if a filler chapter I promise to write more soon!!!!!! Okay so tell me what you think!!!! I am lazy sometimes and I just post them without reading and checking for mistakes and sometimes I dont. I will try to update at least a couple times a week! I promise I will start to check over my chapters for errors bc I had a lot of those in some of my previous chapters. ily!!!! make sure to vote that tells me if you like it!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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