Chapter 38

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This bitch, from Einsteins works here now? And of coarse she is our waitress. She glares at me and breaks the eye contact.

"What would you like to drink sir?" she asks Nash. Nash just glares at her.

"Water please," Nash says with a fake smile on his face.

"And for you?" this bitch says to me rudely.

"Umm," I say taking a long time on purpose just to piss her off, "I'll have a," I stop again and tap my chin. "A water please," I say and give her a fake smile. The waitress- I glanced at her name tag and her name is Britney. (sorry if your names Britney😬) She gave us our menus.

She walks away swaying her hips to try and get Nash's attention. I roll my eyes and open my phone.

"Are you okay Brookie girl?" Nash asks

"Yeah it's just our waitress is that bitch from Einsteins," I say and open up Instagram.

"Oh well just ignore her," he says.

"Or I could annoy her," I smirk

"Looks like you already did that," Nash says and smiles. I squint my eyes and smile a big smile at him. We both share a laugh.

I like a couple of the fans edits, pictures, ect. on Instagram. Then our waitress comes back.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Britney asks.

"Yeah," I say with an attitude. Nash and I order and she gets our menus. Britney drops a menu on purpose. She slowly bends down making sure Nash could see her butt.

"Eww did you just fart?!" Nash yells and I start laughing my ass off. Britney quickly gets up and her eyes go wide.

"I think I heard something come out of your ass hole," Nash said looking innocent. She just looks up and walks away.

"Don't drop menus next time butter fingers!" I yell at her walking away and start laughing. Nash soon joins and we are in each other's arms laughing really hard.

We don't want to be rude so we try to quiet down.

"Nash I love you so much," I say while wiping a tear off my face because I was laughing so hard.

"Awh baby girl, I love you too," Nash says and we hold hands across the table. We make eye contact until our food comes out.

The waitress doesn't try anything on Nash. Smart of her.

"I'm sorry to say this, but did Einsteins fire you because they didn't want a five dollar prostitute working there," I say getting pissed off.

"Well at least I have a job," she says in reply.

"Well can you do that job without hitting on a guy every five minutes?" I ask and she just ignores me and harshly sets down our food.

"Bye," I say and wave.

Nash and I dig in.

"What was that all about?" he asks

"I just had to get that off my chest," I say while forming a smile.

"Okay whatever floats your boat," Nash says while taking a sip of his water.

We finish up and the Britney doesn't try anything. Nash pays and I leave her a one cent tip.

What a fucking little bitch. I swear to God, I would drop kick her face into a wall. I would curb stomp that bitch if I had to.

I am one sick person. Whatever.

Nash and I walk out of the restaurant and back to his house.

"You should spend the night at my house tonight," I say to Nash, but everyone hears and runs to get their things.

"Okay well I don't want to be the only one here," Nash says walking downstairs. I follow him and pack him his toothbrush, a change of clothes, a pair of sweats, and a sweatshirt.

We all walk upstairs to Nash's truck and drive to my house. We get there and we are greeted by officer Smith. What the fuck could have happened now?


Sorry for two cliff hangers in a row, not sorry😏

Tysm for reading this!😘


Y'all are amazing💖❤️💖❤️

Okay song of the day- Kings and Queens (throw it up) by Somo😘

Love you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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