Chapter 40

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Britney gives Nash and I a glare from the back seat. Officer Smith just tells us we won't be seeing her or any of Tim's "minions" for a long time.

Yes! Smith gets back in the cop car, waves to us and drives away.

"Haha bitch gets what she deserves!" I yell and walk back inside. Everybody starts to laugh. We all sit down in the living room.

"Well Brooke, what do you wanna do?" Gilinsky asks taking a seat next to me.

"We should go to a soccer field and play soccer!" I say and quickly get up.

"But Brooke remember you can't go full speed yet? Your next appointment is in four days. I don't want you I hurting yourself even more and have to sit out even longer," he says and puts his hand on my thigh.

"Okay okay," I say giving up on going to play soccer. "But right when I am cleared we are going to the fields," I finish and rest my head on Jacks shoulder. We are all really close, so Nash doesn't get mad when I hang out with the other boys. All of them to me are like a family.

Nash comes and sits between my legs on the ground. Taylor turns on the Xbox. We all take turns doing 4v4 on Call of Duty. All of us play and we start to get hungry. Taylor calls for pizza. Again.


I grab my phone out of my pocket to check my social medias. Before I could click Twitter, Brooke grabbed my phone out if my hands.

She is pressing different buttons and the screen is making her face light up. Brooke rests her arms on my shoulders and opens up the camera.

We both do the "duck face" Then one of her kissing my cheek. She takes a bunch more and there is one really cute one. My head is tilt up facing the ceiling and Brooke's forehead is resting on mine. I set it as my background.

"Hey Nash, send me all of them," she says and smiles without showing her teeth. I start to send them to her. Brooke makes a collage of three of the pictures. One is of us doing the püma face. Another one is of us doing the duck face. The last one is the really really cute one I like.

She captions it 'I kinda like this guy🙆' she doesn't tag me. I like the picture and comment.

'Oh well thanks bæ😘 I kinda like you too😉'

I'm guessing she sees the comment because she looked at me and started laughing. The doorbell rings and Sam goes to open it. She pays for the pizza and brings it in the house.


Everybody digs in. I eat two pieces like Sam, but the rest of the boys have three and more. They are just stuffing their faces like they haven't eaten in 10 years.

"Pigs," I say and roll my eyes.

"Ostrich," Johnson says and everyone laughs. I shake my head and walk past him. I mess his hair up. He looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his bottom lip sticking out.

"Awh is my baby Johnson pouting?" I ask him and put my bottom lip out.

"Maybe," he says and we both start laughing.

Sam and I take our seats back on the couch and continue to kick ass in Xbox. We start to play live and I plug the headphones into the controller. Now I can talk to the people we're playing against. Hehe. I'm a bit if a trash talker. Well who cares it'll be fun.

"Hey you little douche bag get the fuck out of that corner and stop camping you pussy!" I shout through the microphone and everyone laughs.

"Fuck you, you stupid ass hole. You sound like a 12 year old girl," the person says.

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