Chapter 11

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I again go to bed early because of Magcon tomorrow. So when I get home I am taking a shower so I don't have to do it tomorrow morning and blow dry my hair. I am too lazy. So after my shower I slip on my pajamas and head over to my bed. I check my social medias and then plug my phone in the charger. I sleep with a smile on my face because of what Nash did tonight.

Sam and I wake up bright and early to the sound of my alarm clock.

I decide I am going to dress a tad nicer today. So I pick out my silk white button up long sleeve shirt and some baby blue shorts. I add the same jewelry as yesterday and my white Vans.

I walk into the bathroom with my outfit and jewelry and close the door behind me. As soon as I step foot in the bathroom, I set down my clothes and took my hair down and ran a brush through it. I flat iron my hair and tie the top half of hair up and leave the bottom half down.

I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I start to put on my make up. I just use eyeliner and mascara. To be honest I was too lazy to add more.

I slip on my clothes and walk out of the bathroom. I grab a pair of socks and put them on along with my Vans.

When I got up I went to my phone. It's says I got a text from Nash.

Nash- good morn beautiful:)

Me- morn what are we in the sound of music:/

Nash- haha no sorry for sending you good morning texts. I guess I will just stop:)

Me- that's fine with me :)

Nash- ok that's what I'll do:)

Me- fine I'll see you in a bit handsome;)

Nash- kk see ya in a bit Brookie;)

He called me Brookie. When I was growing up I hated that name. It always annoyed me like just call me Brooke. But when Nash said it I didn't mind it that much.

"Hey Sam guess what" I say


"I was texting Nash and he called me Brookie" Sam starts laughing her head off.

"Did you tell him you hate that name!"

"No because one I didn't want him to feel bad and two it doesn't really mind me when he says it. So how are you and Taylor coming along?" I say trying to change the subject

"Actually great! He texted me and asked if I wanted to see a movie with him tonight! Wait would you be okay with that?"

"Oh my gosh yes! I would be more then okay with it! Have fun! And make sure to tell me everything when you get back and full detail too!" I say and Sam laughs

"Okay will do Sargent!" Sam says saluting at me. We both start laughing and finish getting ready.

We went upstairs and had cereal. Courtney came out ready to go.

"I am driving you guys and picking you up right?" Courtney says

"Yeah" we reply. We both know how to dive but she is just going to drive us.

When we get there we are the first ones there. We just jump out and tell Courtney bye and we love her. She drives always while Sam and I walk up to the front doors. We pull them open and feel freezing cold water hit us.

It was the boys of course.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I yell trying to hold back my laugh because honestly it was kind of funny. We are all silent and I get this idea.

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