Chapter 42

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I shut my eyes for another five minutes then got out of bed. My hair is dry and now I can prepare it. Actually I'll do my makeup first.

For my makeup, I just use mascara and eyeliner. I wing my eyeliner because it's what I usually do.

I slip into my clothes. Then I plug my wand into the wall and wait for it to heat up.

I do tight curls and pin back my bangs. When I am done with my hair, I put on my scarf and bracelets. The only time I take them off is when I take showers. Now I'm all ready and it's 7:45. I have a little more then an hour. So I can just chill.

I grab my phone and text Nash.

Me- hey cutie:)

Nash- hey beautiful;)

Me- whatcha doin(:

Nash- nothing but I'm getting ready soon;)

Me- okay get ready and I'll ttyl:)

Nash- okay see ya soon sweetie ily:)

Me- ilyt;)


Brooke and I are going on a walk through the park and then eating a dinner I'm packing. There are also gonna be candles and everything its gonna be perfect! Why am I so excited?

Well I might as well start getting ready. What I'm wearing is mint green short sleeve shirt painting with my white shorts, and white Vans.

I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I slip into my clothes and put on a little cologne. I think I'm ready. I snatch my phone and quickly check the time. It's 8:45.

Oh shit! I better hurry because I'm walking there. I search my room for my wallet and sprint through the door. I start to run until I'm about half way there. Then I walk until I get to her house. I brought a rose with me to give to her.

Before I open the front door, I crack my neck. I don't know why I'm so nervous, we have been out many times. I finally get the guts and knock on the door.

A few seconds later, Brooke opens it and she looks stunning. I scan her body because she is so beautiful. I hand her the rose and stick my arm out.

"Shall we?" I ask her in an accent. She gladly accepts the rose and hooks arms with me. "We shall," she says and we begin to walk.

Soon after we get out of her driveway, we just hold hands.

"Did you eat yet?" I ask

"No not yet," she exclaims.

"Good," I mumble under my breath. We finally reach the park. I walk under the tree where her and Sam filmed their first youtube video. I laid a blanket out and took some candles and a lighter out of the basket.

Around the blanket, I place the candles and light them.

"You can sit down," I say to her. She is gazing at something.

"Hello?" I ask

"Oh sorry, I was zoning out. That's weird like I don't even know what just happened," she says and sits down on the blanket.


God, I couldn't of made that situation more awkward.

Nash pulls the basket out and takes a seat across from me. He pulls some food out.

"Nash you always plan these amazing perfect dates and like, I want to plan a date for once," I say with a goofy smile on my face.

"I take you out though."

"Yeah, but I just want to make a date and plan it for once and have you be surprised."

"Okay. I'll let you do it, once," he says and my smile grows. I have a lot of ideas.

We start to eat and an idea pops into my head. We should have a party. We haven't even done anything this summer. We have to have a party!

"Nash, we have to have a party tomorrow! I only have 13 more days! What do we have to lose?!" I say excitedly.

"Okay tiger," Nash says with a small giggle. "Okay I'll see what I can do about it."

"Yes!" I say while making a fist and pulling it back inward to my chest. Nash and I share a small laugh and continue eating.

We finish eating and are just enjoying each other's company.

"Nash this is so romantic," I exclaim breaking the silence. Nash blushes. Hehe.

"Thanks." For the rest of the night, Nash and I were just talking about the summer and other things, constantly making each other laugh. We go so good together. It's like we were meant to be. The spark is never gone and I feel it in every single kiss we share.

I love Nash so much. I don't know what I would be without him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. It was 11:30 we have been out a long time. But time flies when I'm with Nash.

"Nash I'm tired," I complain.

"Do you wanna go home?"

"No I like it here with you and it's such a beautiful night."

"Well do you wanna spend the night here?"

"Actually yes."

"Haha ok, let me call Courtney and the boys."

"Okay I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Okay beautiful, sleep tight."

"Okay handsome."

"I love you."

"I love you too," those are the last words I remember saying until everything went black. I'm so tired. I feel like I just got knocked out.



Tell me what you think eh eh😬

Ok so one of my bestest friends, moms really good friend died tonight. We don't know how and she was a mother. Please pray for the Edwards🙏

Sotd- nothin to a king- Sammy Wilkinson

Also if you like 5sos, you should definitely check out madskye225 's story it's bomb💣

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