Chapter 58

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We start our walk to the park and the sun is just setting so this is perfect. I am really nervous because I want this date to be perfect.

Nash and I continue to walk hand in hand in a comfortable silence. Nash beaks the silence slowly.

"You mean the world to me," Nash says through a smile and tightens his grip on my hand.

"And you mean every planet and every star to me," I smile. We share small smiles.

"I love you Nash," I say while we almost drive at the empty park.

"I love you too Brooke, but when I say that, I don't just say it to say it, I say it because I mean it. Honestly I don't think you know how much I love you. I would do anything for you in the blink of an eye. You send these chills throughout my body and no body's ever done that before. You just make me feel so good and I'm just really happy when I'm with you," he says as we reach the park.

"Nash every time you say something to me my heart melts.You are literally the sweetest person I have ever met in my life. All I want to do is be in your arms, but that obviously can't happen, but we need to spend these last 7 days like we will never see each other again," I say, well we might not ever see each other again after this summer. "Nash you mean the world to me and when I say I love you, I really do mean it," I finish and give him a quick peck on the lips.

We walk in another silence and enjoy each other's company and this beautiful night.

I turn and look at Nash and the moon light hits his face just perfect and he looks so handsome. Uggghhh. I'm having chest pains. Literally. What this kid can do to me. I look away before I pass out from his hotness. I want to be with him forever.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out making sure Nash can't see the screen. It was a text from Sam.

Samma Wamma😛- everything's set up. I'm on my way to drop off a car right now.

Me- okay thank you so much! This really means a lot! Just text me when the car is in the parking lot, oh and leave the keys on the roof of the car please.

Samma Wamma😛- okay see ya and have fun. USE PROTECTION!

I lightly chuckle at Sam's response and Nash looks at me. I smile at him and he smiles back his perfect smile. He looks away and I lead him to a bench.

We sit down and I wait for the car to drive up to the place where ever Courtney told me to go, but in the mean time, we are cracking jokes.

Nash makes me so happy. I am so lucky and blessed to be with him. He makes me a better person. Who I am with him, is who I really want to be when I'm without him. (My country music listeners would get the who I am w/ you is who I really wanna be😂)

After Nash and I just talking about life and the future, my pocket starts to vibrate. I slide my phone out of my pocket and read the text.

Samma Wamma😛- we'ee here now get your ass in the parking lot the keys are on the car.

Me- k on my way and thanks so much

I put my phone back in my pocket and stand up grabbing Nash's hand. I lead him to the parking lot and get the keys off the car and sit in the drivers seat.

"Hey shouldn't I be driving," Nash pouts.

"No! I'm taking you out! Now calm your tits at the fact that I'm taking you out!" I snap at him and he puts his hands in the air for surrender.

"Your lucky I love you," I say and punch his arm. Like the drama queen Nash is, he puts his hand over where I punched him and started to fake cry. I roll my eyes and shake my head, then eventually start the car.

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