Chapter 44

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Sam and I basically run home. We have like no time to get ready. I quickly hop in the shower and put my robe on. I swing my closet door open to look for the perfect outfit.

"Sam help me pick out a dress." She walks over to my closet and runs her fingers through all my clothes.

"Hmm," Sam says while pulling out each item and feeling the fabric.

"This one!" She says while pulling out a strapless black dress that flowed down a couple inches below my booty. The breast part was a silver metallic color, with a simple black pattern in it.

The fabric of the skirt part was really soft, but it wasn't silk.

"Yassss! Thanks Sam this is perfect!" I yell while hugging the dress like it was Nash.

"Okay now help me pick something!" Sam says as I set down the dress on my bed and run over to her closet with her.

I do the same thing Sam did to my clothes and picked out a dress kind of similar to mine. It was perfect. For the breast part it was just black in a soft fabric. There was a metallic silver waist band that matched the bottom of her dress. The dress was a nice length. It flowed down to about where mine did.

"Yasssss!This is perfect!" Sam tell mimicking my voice. We both hug while jumping and screaming.

"Is everything okay down there!" I hear a feint yell coming from Courtney upstairs.

"Yes!" I scream back while sharing a laugh with Sam. We go back to getting ready. Both Sam and I share the bathroom while doing our hair and makeup.

Both of us are blow drying our hair. Sam finished before me because my hair is longer. I finish eventually and think.

"What are you doing for your hair?" I ask Sam while tapping my chin.

"Uh I think I'm just gonna curl it and pin back my bangs. You?"

"I'm gonna do a small French braid on the side if my head to keep my hair out of my face, then do waves for the rest."

"Oh that sounds really pretty!"

"Thanks! Yours does too! I can't wait to see what it looks like!" I say and we go back to getting ready.

My hair is now dry so I start my small French braid. I finish it and plug in my wand. It's one of my wider ones so it gives more of a wave then a curl. I begin to wave my hair. When I am finished with my look, I look in the mirror and smile with a look of triumph on my face.

Sam takes her eyes off herself in the mirror and looks at me. Her eyes go wide and her jaw drops. I blush a little.

"Holy shit Brooke! Give other people a chance! Damn!"

"Thanks Sam!" I say while looking down at my feet. We both awkwardly laugh it off and go back to doing what we're doing. When I'm done Sam starts to finish.

"Ahh!" I scream and Sam jumps. I begin to laugh and finish my thought.

"Your beautiful!"

"Thanks Brooke you are too!" Sam says and we both continue getting ready. I think I'm gonna do a smokey eye. I pull out my makeup bag and start.

It took about 45 minutes to perfect it but it's done. I am really happy with the way it turned out. Sam is already ready and I still need to put my dress and shoes on.

"Brooke we have 15 minutes till we have to leave. Hurry up!" Sam says while looking at her phone.

"Okay will you make sure Courtney's ready?"

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