Chapter 27

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When we got to the beach I screamed because I was so excited. I was basically jumping in my seat.

Nash was laughing at my actions and that made me laugh.

When Nash parked the car I ran out and got my bags from the bed. We both gather our belongings and headed to the beach house.

It was amazing. There was already food. Yessss, score! And the house itself was really nice. There were two rooms and one bathroom. Nash and I put our clothes and things away and met in the living room.

There was a TV. We watched TV for a while then went outside. I just admired how Nash is so sweet and always thinking of others before himself.


We walked outside and there was a light breeze. Brooke was standing ankle deep in the water with the wind blowing her dark brown hair to the left side of her head.

She looks so perfect like a model. I am so glad to call her mine. I hug her from behind knocking her out of her trance. She just smiles and hugs my arms wrapped around her chest.

We stayed like that for a while. I love it like this. Just me and her. But don't get me wrong I love hanging out with the boys and them but it's just different.


"I'm going to take you out tonight," Nash says and I turn to face him.

"Where?" I ask already knowing what he's gonna say.

"It's a surprise," he says. See I knew it!

"Your mean," I say and stick out my bottom lip. I cross my arms and pout.

"Pouting is not going to make me tell you sweetie," Nash says with a small smile.

"At least tell me what time," I said and he laughed.

"It's not funny Nash," I say trying my hardest not to laugh. Nash laughed his head off while I was sitting there with my arms crossed and my bottom lip out. I couldn't even more I had to laugh.

"Okay be ready by 5:00," he says.

"Okay, what should we do in the meantime?" I ask

"Let's make lunch I haven't eaten yet," Nash says and we walk back into the house.

"Let's make a salad!" I say and Nash agrees.

We are almost finished with the salad and I get the Ranch Dressing. I squirt it and it accidentally hits Nash is the face. I burst out laughing I am crying basically. His reaction was priceless!

He chuckles slightly and grabs a cucumber slice and throws it at me. It went down my shirt.

"Ahh that went down my shirt!" I say and get and idea. I dump the dressing on my hand and hit him in the face with it.

"Oh it's on now," Nash says chasing me.

"Your damn right it's on!" I yell and he catches me. His arms are wrapped around me so tightly I can't get out of his grip.

He takes the whole bottle of dressing and dumps it on my head. This is so disgusting but it's really funny and I'm with Nash so I don't care.

I take the dressing he dumped on my head and smeared it on his neck getting his shirt a little bit.

"Okay I'm not getting my shirt dirty," he says and rips it off revealing his perfect upper body.

"Yeah that's why you took it off," I say with a smirk on my face. He smirks back and we both share a laugh.

I get a handful of the salad we made and threw it at him. He tackled me on the ground. Nash was laying on top of me about to kiss me.

I see the bottle of Ranch and grab it and squirt it at his face. He wiped the Ranch off his face and kissed me anyways.

He pulled away and we were looking at each other eye to eye. "We better clean this up," I say breaking the comfortable silence.

Nash pecks my lips one more time and gets off. We turn on music and Life of the Party comes on. We start singing it as loud as we can. "WE DONT HAVE TO BE ORDINARY! MAKE YOUR BEST MISTAKES!" We continue and by the time the song was over the house was all clean.

We are still covered in Ranch dressing and it starts to smell. It's 3:00 right now so I tell Nash I am getting ready.

I take a shower immediately and put my robe on after. I wrapped a towel around my hair and went to my closet to pick out my outfit.

I pick a high low dress. It was purple and white. There was a thin brown braided belt going across the middle. The shoes I am wearing are my brown sandals.

When my clothes are picked out I brush my teeth. Then I do my normal makeup. My winged eyeliner and mascara.

I put on the two bracelets. The one Nash gave to me and the one that's says 'to infinity and beyond' but I have the to infinity part.

I take my hair out of the towel and just let it air dry. I left it as my natural straight hair.

I walked out and Nash was still getting ready. I wonder where he's taking me. It's 4:46 right now so he will be out soon.


I wanted this date to be perfect. I am going to take he to a fancy dinner because I feel like we haven't done anything formal.

I wear my jeans and a white button up long sleeve shirt. The shoes I have are my white vans. When I am leaving I grab the other half of the bracelet and stick it in my back pocket. I grab my phone and meet Brooke in the living room.


Thank you guys for a little over 700 reads😱😭😭 Ilygsfm 😘 you are the reason I write💖 sorry for any mistakes stay perfect my little stars⭐️⭐️

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