Chapter 61

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I wake up to the noise of my annoying alarm clock. There is a smile on my face but it quickly fades because the memories from yesterday took over my brain. All the sudden I felt a tear escape my eye. No, I'm not going to cry over him. This was his mistake and if he didn't make out with Lesly then none of this would happen. I sigh.

"Okay what happened with you and Nash? You haven't been acting like normal," Sam asks while getting out of her bed. I explain everything to her.

"Well Brooke, you don't know the actual reason why they kissed, you can't just assume things like Nash wanted it. You never let Nash explain and I think you should, because you and Nash are perfect for each other." Her words really hit me. I think it was me who made the mistake. I didn't even let Nash explain. But I don't know if he will lie to me and not tell me the truth. But I don't think Nash would lie to me over this. And Sam is right, I am a lot happier when I'm with Nash. I think, I'm going to let Nash explain if he even wants me still. Shit, I think it was me who messed up.

"Thanks Sam I don't know what I would do without you," I say hugging her.

"Same," she says and let's go.


I wake up from a terrible night of sleep. I was up all night thinking. What I thought, was that tomorrow I have to go to Brooke's and make up for what happened. We can't just leave each other like this. I am going to go to Courtney's right now without doing anything to get things settled. All I want is Brooke in my arms again.

I have to go now because I need time and we cant do this in the car it will be awkward. I hope this turns out like it was before.


While we were getting ready, the doorbell rings. I wonder who it could be, oh well. I hear the door open and foot steps leading down stairs.

There is a knock on the door. I am in a pair of sweatpants, one of Nash's hoodies, a Magcon beanie, Vans, and the two special bracelets.

I walk over to the door with my wet hair leaving water marks all over my back. I open the door and see Nash. He has a rose and some candy.

I can see the pain in his piercing blue eyes. It's weird, they aren't as blue as usual. There are bags under his eyes and his hair is messed up. It looks like he just woke up and ran over here.

We stare at each other blankly. Sam is just watching us. Well this couldn't be anymore awkward.

"Nash I'm really so-" but before I could finish, I felt a pair of lips on mine. Nash gives me a small kiss, leaving me wanting more.

"It wasn't your fault Brooke," he says and wraps me in a hug.

"Yeah it is because I was being stubborn and I wouldn't let you explain," I muffle into his chest. Im surprised he heard me.

"Well can I explain?" he asks pulling away. I miss his scent, his warmth, his everything.

"Yeah," I say and we walk in and sit on my made bed.

"I'll give you two your privacy, I'm almost done packing anyways. But Brooke when you finish can you put my toiletries in my bag please?" Sam says while walking out the door.

"Yeah," I say and she shuts the door. I can hear footsteps going upstairs. Nash starts. "Okay so what happened, was that I was taking a walk one day and my phone rang. I went to pick it up when two men in all black picked me up and threw me into a car. Lesly was driving. They took me to a backyard of some sketchy neighborhood. She made me drink something that made me all dizzy and I couldn't think straight. Then I guess we kissed and she got a picture of it and sent it to you. Look I'm really so-" I cut Nash off by placing my lips on his. Our lips move in perfect harmony (Mr. Leavitt if your reading this😂😂)

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