Chapter 18

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When someone answered the phone I was scared. Scared shitless. I couldn't open my mouth. The words just wouldn't come out.

"Ian, we need to hurry the fuck up and kidnap Brooke and Samantha! Meet me at the back of the gas station at 1:00 tonight. We need to get this done already!"

Then the person hangs up. Everyone has a blank look on their face. Everyone starts tearing up but Brooke and Sam and basically balling.

I immediately run over to Brooke and comfort her. She is crying into my shoulder. We hear a pounding at the door.

All the boys and I hide the girls and get kitchen knives. I look out the window and see a dark figure. I don't open the door I am standing right in front of it with my back against it.

"The person is trying to look into the house," Cameron whispers.

Everyone is so scared right now. There is more pounding at the door.

"Let me in! Help please!" The person yells.

"What do I do?" I whisper to the boys.

"Look out the window and see what's happening," Matt says

I walk to the window and look to see a guy and two stray dogs are attacking him.

"Guys put the knives down!" I yell and they all do. I hurry my way to the door and open it and close it as fast as I can.

"Thank you so much," the person says.

"Yeah no problem," the girl pulls her black hood off and it reveals her face. She has dirt and blood all over her face.

"Are you okay?" I say a bit shyly

"Yeah I just, well if I tell you guys you can't tell anybody. Okay?" the mystery girl says.

"Okay," I say and all the boys sit down next to us and they get the girls. Brooke sits on the ground between my legs.

"Well I am and orphan. The oldest orphan and nobody wants me and they don't treat kids very well there. So I ran away. I have been gone for three days. I was walking along the beach looking for a place to stay the night, then these two dogs came running after me. They were chasing me for like five minutes. Thank goodness you let me in. Oh and my name is Emma." she says

"Oh I am so sorry for what had happened. You can stay with us if you want and I'm Nash, and that's, Aaron, Cameron, Taylor, Shawn, Carter, Matt, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Brooke my girlfriend, Samantha but you can call her Sam- Taylor's girlfriend, Jasmine and she is Cameron's girlfriend, Ghazal, and her boyfriend Mikey." I finish

"Oh nice to meet all of you!" Emma says and she gets looks from Shawn.

"You too!" Shawn blurts out and we all laugh.


"Look I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about this but umm, uh, what happened with your past?" I say. Emma looks me and the eye and starts, "Well there is this guys named Tim. He is the owner of the orphanage and he has his little workers. Anyways one day I was walking on the street by myself looking like a mess, and a guy named, uhh, oh shit, I can't remember his name it was like, uhhh, it was Ian! And he kidnapped me and drove me to an orphanage in Colorado. Then he dropped me off and I never saw any of my friends ever again for about three years. I was like a street rat. I didn't have a house, a family, good clothes, or good food. I had amazing people though. But when I was about twelve my parents died from a really bad car accident. I didn't know what to do so I just ran away."

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry for your loss," I say and put my hand on her knee.

"Look I am really sorry to just bombard you with questions, but did you know what Ian looked like or a last name?" I ask and she looks like she's thinking.

"Well I think his last name was like Dony or Downy," Emma says.

As soon as I hear Dony my heart drops. His last name was Downy though. I start breathing really hard and she asks what's wrong.

I tell her the story and she is so sad looking right now.

"Oh my gosh Ian is a douche!" She says.

"Wait till you get this part," I say and start to cry. I tell Emma what the person on the phone said.

She sits there is shock. "Is he stalking you?" Emma asked.

"I guess so. Well do you want a change of clothes and a shower?" I ask

"Yes please. If you could just give me sweats and a shirt and a blanket that would be great?"

"Yeah of coarse!" I say and lead her to Nash's room. I grab a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt of Nash's and I change out of my clothes into his and give her my clothes.

"Thank you and can I take a shower now?"

"Yeah of coarse," I say and lead her to the bathroom.

"Thank you Brooke," Emma says and hugs me, I hug her back. She is ice cold.

"Oh my god! Your freezing! You are taking a hot bath and after that you're cuddling up in a blanket," I say and she agrees.

She hops in the shower and I tell her I'll meet her upstairs. When I walk upstairs I cuddle into Nash. I am so scared right now. Like the guy on the phone could have been Tim. I don't know.

Nash can feel me shaking and he rubs small circles on my back and leans my head into his chest.

I fall asleep on Nash and Emma comes back upstairs in tears.

I jump out of Nash's arms and run up to her.

"Are you okay baby?" I say. She rolls up the sweatshirt sleeves and reveals her arms. They are full of cuts. They are gushing blood. I run over to the laundry room and grab a first aid kit.

I get some of the clothe and run to the sink. I wet it and start to dab her cuts. Everyone is around me watching me help Emma.

Nash steps in and grabs some wrap. He hands it to me and I wrap the wrap around both of her arms so the bleeding would stop.

We hug for the longest time and I start crying lightly.

"Look if you need to talk to anybody, please talk to me. You know I am always here for you." I say and I get a feint smile. I smile back.

We all sit on the coach. Shawn and Emma are cuddling and I am in Nash's arms. We are all watching Big Brother and there is a sudden knock on the door.

I swear to God I pissed my pants. Everyone flinched and we got knives from the kitchen. We all slowly approach the door.


Hey guys I la la la la la la love you guys so much!!!!!! You are amazing thank you for like 300 reads😱😱😱 omg!!!! you are amazing thank you for reading my story I hope you enjoy!!!!

→I love you?← n.g.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora