Chapter 24

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I wake up to the sound of Sam snoring. I throw a pillow at her face and she wakes up. "What the hell was that for?" Sam says in a sleepy voice. "fun," I say and laugh. So does Sam.

"Well do you want to start planning to be youtube famous today?" I ask hoping she will say yes and she does.

"What should we call ourselves?" I ask Sam and she has a look on her face. "The hipster mangos!" she says and I laugh (Jasmine if your reading this😂)

"Okay we need outro music," I say and we both start looking up music with beat drops. We found one good one that was called 'rvtchet bitch' that we really like. So we decide on that.

Sam is great at editing stuff so I'm not worried about that. "What should the first video be about?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"We could do the best friend challenge. When you ask the person a question about themselves and if they answer it wrong they get hit with an egg," I say

"Yeah let's do that!" Sam says.

We both get ready. I wear a pair of old jeans and a white T-shirt because I don't want to stain any of my nice clothes. Probably the first and last time I take off the bracelet Nash gave me. I just don't want anything to happen to it.

Once we are finished getting ready, we walk upstairs with the video camera. We tell Courtney that we will be outside.

Sam and I walked to the park and found a good spot for the camera underneath a tree. We practiced on what we were gonna say and things. Once we perfected it multiple times I start the camera. We start.

"Hello guys I am Brooke Finnly and," Sam starts to talk, "I'm Samantha Shellie but I am called Sam." I start to talk again, "We are best friends and we are doing the best friend challenge," Sam starts again, "this is where you ask the person a question and if they get it wrong you get to throw and egg at them," Sam says and I show the camera the egg carton. We soon get started.

I ended up getting 7 out of 10 questions right and so did Sam. Sam hit me twice in the stomach and once on my shoulder. I smashed one on her head and I got her in the stomach and the shoulder.

We brought the camera and ourselves back to Courtney's house. When we walk in we go straight to our room. I grab the laptop and go upstairs. We are editing it right now.

Sam adds some cool edits and plays our outro music. I am so glad she knows how to do this stuff because if I were in my own I'd be screwed. I get the gist of it I am just confused on how to add all the cool effects and stuff like that.

Once we are finished editing it we call Courtney in.

"Okay so Sam and I are going to become youtube famous and this is our first video," I say and Courtney sounds really excited.

Sam hits play. The video starts playing and it is awesome! I love it so much!

"Great job girls I am so proud of you!" Courtney says sounding surprised. After we watch it a couple more times and tweak it a little more till it's perfect- we post it.

It is uploading as we speak and I am so nervous. What if people don't like us? Well it's now or never. It uploads and we already have three views and one subscriber!

Sam and I both scream and jump in circles. I text Nash.

Me- look up the channel on youtube the hipster mangoes;)

Nash- why?

Me-just do it!

Nash- okay whatever you say. And don't forget be ready by 1:30;)

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