Chapter 60

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For the next three days all the boys, their girlfriends, an I hang out doing crazy things before Sam and I have to leave. We have two more days after today and we need to start packing.

Right now Nash and I are packing up most of my things, except for a couple of outfits and things I need. I sigh heavily.

"What's wrong?" Nash asks

"I just don't wanna leave you," I say while hugging him tightly. A tear escapes from my eye and I feel a small wetness on my shoulder. Nash is crying too. He's so sweet.

I pull away from the hug, to make eye contact with Nash's red, puffy eyes. We smile at each other and hug once again.

"I love you," I say into his chest.

"I love you more," he says into my hair and hugs me tighter. Now I'm at the point where I can't breathe, Nash is hugging me so tight.

"Cant. Breathe," I say in between breaths and Nash immediately lets go. I catch my breath.

"Sorry," Nash blushes.

"It's okay," I giggle. I remember before I met Nash, I would never giggle. Now, I just can't control it, Nash makes me so happy. We finish packing an Taylor and Sam walk in.

"Did you guys finish packing?" Sam asks us an I nod my head.

"Do you guys need help?" I ask and they shake their heads no.

"Thanks though," Taylor says.

"No problem," I say and Nab and I leave. It feels like I haven't talked to Sam in forever. Oh well, we will talk nonstop when we leave.

Nash and I are with Courtney watching Big Brother. It was the finale and Derrick and Cody were the final two. Derrick ended up winning, yes! Even though Cody was hot, Derrick played a better game.

Wow, I just remembered when Nash and I went out, we met Cody. That's funny.

We fall asleep at my house.


I am leaving tomorrow.

In the morning Nash told me we are going to Starbucks. I wear a pair of light blue high waisted shorts, a flowing white crop top, the two bracelets from Nash, and white Vans.

Nash and I sit down at a table and iron t a text. It's a picture of Nash and some girl kissing. Nash is kissing back and they are both smiling. A tear escapes my eye and I run out of Starbucks not looking back.

I run away as far as I can. I can't believe Nash would do this to me.

"Why?!" I scream and fall to my knees. I start crying hardly.

"Why me?" I say softly. I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I get up and walk to Courtney's. I can't believe he would do this to me, I thought he loved me. I guess not.

When I got to Courtney's, I locked my self in mine and Sam's room. I stare blankly at the ceiling. More and more tears escape from my eyes and my head is buried into my knees. No body is home so I can cry as loud as I want.

My phone is blowing up with missed texts from Nash. My phone starts ringing, it's Nash. I'm so done with him. I decline the call and turn my phone off.

We don't deserve each other. I can't wait just to leave and get back to my house. Now leaving Nash won't be as hard.


She doesn't even know the whole story, she won't even let me explain it to her. We can't just end up like this. No we need each other. I have no idea how I'm going to get back with her. Everyone is gone at the beach and I'm here, home alone.

The door bell rings and I slowly get up to answer it. There was that bitch, Lesly.

"Get the fuck away Lesly," I scream and slam the door and lock it. I go back to my room crying.

Why does this have to happen to us? I love her too much to let her go, but the hard part is, she is gonna be in another state and Lesly just fucked our relationship up.


I don't want Nash to be confused, so I'll just leave him a message.

I call him and he picks up the first ring. I could hear him sniffling, I feel bad but it was his mistake.

"Nash I think its best if we just take a break," I say through tears.

"But Brooke just let me explain," he says and I hang up with more tears coming out of my eyes.

I shut my phone off and close my eyes. When I squeeze my eyes, I feel tears spill out of them. Why Nash? I thought you loved me. Uuggh.

My crying gets lighter and lighter very slowly. The time my crying almost completely stops is about seven or eight hours after it happened. Its now 10:00 so I better get to sleep, mine and Sam's flight leaves at 10:00 and we gave to leave at 8:00.

I set my alarm and take a sigh. My head hits the pillow and I'm out like a light.


I suck at life. Why does this have to happen to me. She just broke up with me and she wouldn't even let me explain. It wasn't even my fault for this kiss. She drugged me or gave me alcohol or something, to like not make me think straight, then I just kissed her. I probably didn't even kiss her,she probably kissed me!

Ugghhh fuck my life. I don't know how I let her get away from me. She was my everything,my life, my second half, my life.

I know I would have to let her go sometime, but I don't want to let her go like this. Brooke just won't let me explain. I bet if I did explain, she would understand and forgive me. I just want to scream. And that is what I did.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream angrily and disappointed. I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't call the police. (Maddie if your reading this😂)

I go upstairs and go to bed, I can't think straight, I need to make things up. We have to be together.

All of the guys, their girlfriends,Courtney, and I are driving Brooke and Sam to the airport tomorrow. Maybe I an explain tomorrow.


So I was in tears while writing this😭😭

There will be a sequel coming soon!

This is almost over but yeah ilygsfm😘😘

Sotd- kiss me kiss me by 5sos 😘✌️

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