Chapter four

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What Adeline looks like⬆️⬆️

Everyone began to find their seats except for Adeline who was walking towards Ms.Stacey."Hello, my name is Adeline. I am your new student and I can not find a place to sit." "Oh hello I'm sorry I must've forgotten about the new student. You may sit there next to Diana...Anne may you be kind and sit in the front of the class."  Anne grudgingly moved to the front of the class. "OK class please answer what is the square root of nine?" Called out Ms.Stacey. Adelines hand shot straight up. Anne Sat trying to figure it out Hut her mind didn't work. Anne couldn't figure out the problem. "Yes,Adeline?" Questioned Ms. Stacey. "Three." Answered Adeline. "Correct, nice work Adeline!" Ms.Stacey said happily. After a whole class of Adeline answering all the girls math questions and Gilbert answering all the boys math questions it was time for lunch. Though, when Gilbert was answering the questions he was staring at Adeline the whole time. Everyone broke off into their little groups at lunch. Adelines of course had no one to be with. "Anne, should we ask her to come sit with us?" Diana asked. "NO!"Anne shot back."Fine then."Diana said sadly. As Adeline was looking around for a friend Josie came towards her. "Hi my name is Josie it's so nice to have a new friend here!" Josie said in sweet yet fake voice. "Oh thank you! I am so enthused to be here." Adeline said. "Hey, after school we all have a kissing game. Would you like to join us?" Josie said in a sort of pleading manner. "Of course" Adeline said. Even though on the inside Adeline was quite unsure if she should. Adeline, it's ok to try to fit in just don't crumble under peer pressure. Don't try to show off to much you want them to like you, right? No Adeline be yourself, you should show off your brilliant mind! The thoughts were swarming inside of her. She didn't know what to do! Finally class started an Adeline went back to being the star of the class. After a little while of class it was finally over and the start of their game was about to begin.

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