Chapter 13

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Tonight was the night that Adeline's family went over to Anne's house for dinner. Adeline had worn her best dress and shoes for this event. She wanted to make a good impression and patch things up with Anne. Adeline was mesmerized by every inch of green gables. Oh how could they afford this?It is like a mansion. What beautiful architecture. Thoughts of how magnificent it was made her upset and jealous. She was jealous of how Anne could live a perfect life and still have money to spare and how she could live in a mansion like house with only three people living there! After dinner the parents had a talk so Anne and Adeline went upstairs. "You have a beautiful room, Anne." Adeline said admiring her large, beautiful room, that she had all to herself. "Thank you....... i-i-I'm sorry alright for everything." Said Anne. "Your apology is accepted but why on earth would you say and do such things to me?" Adeline questioned with a tiny voice crack that was holding back tears. "I was jealous and lonely. Cole left and Diana was on your side. I thought if people would see that you were a bad person th-then they would s-still like me more." Anne replied. Anne finally realized what was holding her back from being friends with Adeline, she wanted the attention just like she was with ms.stacy. Anne mentioned Cole. Would it be weird if I asked questions about him? Would it be weird if I asked if he like me? Adeline put action to her thoughts and asked about Cole. "Have you and cole been friends for long? What's his hobbies? Does he l-like girls?" Adeline asked. Anne was shocked at her questions. Maybe Adeline did like Cole back. "To answer your questions, Cole and I have not known each other for long but our bond is strong, he's an artist that's why he left, and occasionally he likes girls because he also likes boys." Anne responded. " Oh my. I didn't know he liked boys." Said Adeline surprised. They talked for awhile about Cole, school, and they apologized. "Adeline, would you like to be friends?" Anne asked. "I would love that." Adeline said with a grin. The night was a success. Anne couldn't wait to tell cole about everything! They both went to sleep relaxed for the first time in a while.

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