Chapter 20

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"Adeline, are you okay?" Cried Gilbert running in the house. Adeline said nothing and still cried. "Adeline who is there dear?" Her mother asked climbing down the ladder. "Hello ma'am.... I was worried of Adeline so I came to see her, I'm a friend." Gilbert rambled on. "Well, she needs some time alone right now. You are welcomed to stay though.... Adeline you can go up to your loft." Said Adeline's mom while gesturing Gilbert to come sit down. Adeline climbed up the ladder while wiping tears from her eyes. Gilbert and Adeline's mother sat down in the seated area of their house. "What has happened?" Gilbert asked. "It's a long story." Her mother said. "I'm willing to hear it." Gilbert said determinedly. "Well, ill give you a short version then. We, as you can see have no money. Adeline's father used to abuse all of us, he started when Adeline's sister died. Her brother was the only one who understood her, but he had to go to work for a month or two and then he'd come back for awhile. When he came home Adeline was the happiest person alive, they were always very close. But now, since we are expecting Adeline's brother said he would never come back to this house, again." Adeline's mother had tears dripping down her face while telling the story. Gilbert sat in awe, he never thought Adeline had this life. He thought she lived in a mansion and that she had wonderful and caring parents. Oh how he was wrong, he felt so terrible. After a while gilbert finally spoke, "so how long will she be gone for?" Gilbert asked. "I-I don't know." Her mother said quietly. "How long may I stay for?" He Asked. "As long as you want." She replied. "After school everyday until she is better?" He questioned. "Yes, a new presence might help her. Maybe, bring others too. But not right away." Her mother said. Gilbert finally left and was ready to tell everyone about Adeline. I can't tell everyone. Maybe just our close friends. Which would be Diana, Anne, Jerry, Josie, and Cole. Perfect, Cole should be the first to see her. He couldn't wait to tell their friends at school tomorrow.

Season 3 Anne with an E skrt Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant