Chapter 24

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The next morning they met Adeline's father(carter). He was fairly nice, I mean he just met two boys who slept over at his house. Every dad is protective over their children. After that encounter the kids all went to school,except for Adeline. When they got there Anne almost completely shunned Diana. Like diana didn't say her betraying thoughts out loud. "What has gotten into Anne? She has not talked to me all day." Asked Diana concerned. "We told her that we are switching up the schedule. It's all three of us and it will switch between Ruby and Josie." Gilbert said. "Why did you switch up the schedule?" Asked Diana. "We don't know how she's going to act with Anne. We don't want to provoke her. We want things to get better not worse." Said Cole joining  in the conversation. It was a relief and an opportunity. An opportunity to test out this new friend group. Maybe even Josie could come in, I mean Josie and Diana were friends before Anne came. Also Ruby and Diana were much closer, before Anne came. Diana was happy and drama free, before Anne came. Before Anne came. That was it. That was the problem. Diana finally realized what was the big impact on her life. Anne. "So be it, we don't need her." Said Diana very sassy. Gilbert was very surprised, yet Cole was not. He too realized who was the problem. "I feel we should not associate with Anne anymore." Diana continued. "Why?" Asked Gilbert. "She's been hurting our lives, don't you understand?" Replied Diana. "No she is not. Anne has done nothing except not care for someone." Gilbert said defending Anne. "Yes, and making us try to hate Adeline and Josie. She turned us all against each other." Diana said. "Don't even start about all of that." Gilbert said trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. "You day Adeline is you best friend. Well, Anne is the reason your "best friend" got slapped in the face." Diana ranted. "If you really think that then don't come with me to Adeline's house tonight." Gilbert finally said. "She's our friend not yours. You should not come Gilbert. Don't worry we'll tell Adeline you care more about Anne than her." Said Adeline taking coles hand and running towards Adeline's house. Gilbert stood frozen. Could it really be Anne?

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