Chapter 23

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We are still trapped in Diana's thought about betraying Anne. But honestly how could she, they are kindred spirits. But anyways back to the story.

"Diana! Are you listening to me?" Said Cole. "Oh sorry, lost in thought." She replied. "Anyways, why was she looking at me like that?" He asked. "Like we said a million times before, she likes you." Answered Gilbert. "I don't know how much longer I can wait without her." Diana chimed in. "I feel the same way." Gilbert and Cole both said. "Wait! Please wait!" Shouted a woman running behind them. They stopped so they could get a better look at her and it turned out to be Adeline's mother. "All of you, would you mind staying the night. For Adeline's mental and physical health. Please." She said out of breath. "Of course, just let me run home to tell my mother." Adeline said. "I don't have guardian so I'll just stay." Said Gilbert. "My mom doesn't care, I'll definitely stay." Cole said firmly. "Thank you, she needs all of you." She said. "We should get you in, please come miss." Said Cole gesturing towards her house. "You all can call me Jessica." Adeline's mother (Jessica) said. So Gilbert, Cole, and Jessica started to head to the house. They all sat down in the living room, even with Adeline. They all started a little small talk and adeline said a few words. "So do you have a name for the baby yet, or a gender?" Cole asked. "If it is a boy his name will be Nick, if it is a girl her name will be Rebecca." Jessica replied. "Such beautiful names." Cole and Gilbert said. "Mother they truly are beautiful." Said Adeline quietly. "Now Cole, Adeline has told me that you..... have a fondness if boys. How does that work?" Jessica asked awkwardly. "Well not just boys. I guess it's just typical to have an artistic and creative person like the same gender. But I just don't know why that is." Said Cole. "Artistic? Adeline didn't tell me this. Adeline works with art too. She's very artistic. She loves to paint, draw,sculpt, mold,etc."Jessica said. "She never told us that." Said Gilbert. "Here is some of her drawings." Said Jessica reaching into a drawer and handing them a few papers. The drawings were beautiful. She used so much emotion in her drawings. It represents so much value and feelings. She was brilliant, maybe even more than Cole. "These are amazing, their breathtaking." Said Cole in awe. Adeline blushed and smiled at Cole. Jessica looked at both of them and wondered. Wondered what would happen if- no it can't be. They all went to bed. Diana finally came back and slept in Adeline's room and Gilbert and Cole slept in Adeline's brothers room.

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