Chapter 19

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They all went to school tomorrow except for Adeline. No one knew where she was at. But Gilbert took action to what Adeline and him were talking about last night. "Hey Cole." Said Gilbert shyly. "Uh hey" Said Cole. "Listen, I know you don't like me. But this is a question about Adeline." Gilbert said urgently. "What about Adeline?" Asked Cole in a concerned and nervous manner. "You like her." Responded Gilbert. "No I don't." Said Cole defiantly. "Oh, then I'll tell her. She just wanted to know." Said Gilbert as he was starting to walk away. "Wait! Why did she want to know? Questioned Cole. "Do you want the truth?" Gilbert asked. "Yes."cole responded. "Okay, don't tell Adeline I told you this, she wanted me to be discreet but she likes you and she was wondering if you liked her back." "You're delusional. Looks like Gilbert the brainy boy had more drama than the bi kid." Snorted Cole. What if he was telling the truth? What if Adeline really likes you? Should you talk to her? Should you say something else to Gilbert? You love Adeline, you need to trust Gilbert. As the thoughts rushed through coles head he finally said something to Gilbert. "But, if it is real. I don't just like her, I love her." Cole said as he quickly walked away. As soon as their conversation ended Gilbert ran to go look for Adeline and tell her the news. He didn't know exactly where her house was at but he assumed it would be a huge mansion. He imagined her house would be big like her personality and have a lot of character just like her. But he came to a halt when he found a small, rickety, barn like house. He knocked on the door thinking it was just a neighbors house. When the door opened he saw Adeline with her face red from crying and fresh tears just bursting out of her eyes
Authors note- hey sorry if it takes more time to write these. I have a pretty good life that I'm trying to live. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story so far and feed back would be amazing. Love all of you for your support and understanding!!

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