Chapter 28

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"Adeline, stop!" Shouted anne as she ran quickly behind her. "No I'm not going back to school, ever!" She Shouted back. If only she was slower. I guess she is better than me at everything. The days with her gone have been a loss to everyone. What should I do? Anne couldn't think of a solution to Adeline's problem quick enough. Adeline let out a piercing scream. Anne saw Adeline trip over a pointy rock and fall into the bright blue pond. "It's just a pond, you'll be fine!" Said Anne catching up to her, out of breath.  Adeline began to laugh, "it's so beautiful isn't it?". "Yes, I guess it is." Said Anne. "This would be a beautiful setting for a new fort." Adeline said floating in the water. "Really?" Asked Anne. "Think about it. We have materials very close, see that forest over there. We could have an outdoor swimming pool. Oh, or even better an indoor pool. Or, we could split this pond in half with a dam and one side could be for swimming and the other we can stock with beautiful and huge fish. We could do the landscaping so nicely." Adeline said with compassion. "Well, it seems like we have work to do!" Said Anne joyfully.
Back with Diana, Jerry, Cole, and Gilbert. They all started to look for Adeline and Anne. They started off for Adeline's house, but it was more of them walking off in a slow trudge. Of course, Gilbert and Cole can't let one thing go. On the other hand, this was quality time for Diana and Jerry. "What exactly happened with Adeline and Anne. They weren't they are?" Jerry asked. " Well, Anne was very jealous of Adeline and her she did some rude things which got Adeline  physically hurt. But Adeline has forgiven Anne so I assume everything must be okay." She replied. "You only assume?" He questioned again. "Well, yes. I don't know Anne as well as I used to know her." She answered. I can't believe I just said that. What is wrong with me. Maybe I really don't know Anne anymore.

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