Chapter 26

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Today was the day, the day that Adeline came back to school. She walked with Anne that day. A new chapter in their friendship has bloomed and for now they were inseparable. Diana watched them as they walked into the school house. She envied their friendship, she wish she knew about it earlier. When Diana and Cole went to Adeline's house they waited all night but Adeline never came. Diana was pissed to see Adeline and Anne together, I mean she did just figure out who she wanted her group to be. "Adeline you're back!" Squealed Diana. "Yes, Anne helped me so much! I couldn't do it without all of you!" Adeline said smiling. No matter how mad Diana wanted to be she couldn't, she just wanted Adeline and Anne to be happy. So she joined them, they all were together and happy at last. Then, Gilbert showed up. "How dare you both!" He Shouted at Anne and Diana. "What did we do?" Asked Anne. "You both left me, alone and helpless." Said Gilbert sadly. "Gilbert,  please come talk to me. I have to thank you, for everything." Said Adeline touching Gilberta arm. He felt a spark as soon as she touched him. He looked into her eyes, her beautiful,big, starry eyes, that one could just fall into and never escape.(that was his thoughts at least.)they walked to the back of the school to talk for a minute. Gilbert was following her and watching her contently. He can't have feelings for her still, can he? Gilbert tried to listen to what she was saying but he was mesmerized by her beauty. She was just so perfect for him. Does she want to get back together? Am I being subtle? Why is she so beautiful? Her and I would be perfect together. I-i miss her. Just then, Cole walked back there. He stared at Gilbert and Adeline together, they looked like a couple...

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