Chapter 27

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"Gilbert! I thought we had an understanding!" Shouted Cole angrily as he ran over to them. Gilbert snapped out of his trance and realized what he did, "oh sh—." Started Gilbert but his sentence didn't have time to finish. Cole punched Gilbert in the face, and before Cole could realize what he had done he was struck across the face with Gilbert's punch. "I thought a gay boy couldn't fight!" Shouted Gilbert. "Ha! What a misconception! Though I am pretty sure a "doctor" can only fix up his patients, not be a patient!" Responded Cole with an equal shout. "It's funny! You probably heard that in the patients room in the psychiatric hospital!" Shouted Gilbert now doubling the loudness of his voice. Cole came hurtling at Gilbert at full speed. "Stop it now! Both of you, get up! Idiots! Idiots! Idiots!" Shouted Adeline as she broke up the fight. "What is wrong with you two? Cole what triggered this? Gilbert why did you retaliate?" She asked hysterically. Adeline was on the verge of tears so she quickly sprinted off. "Adeline, wait!"Shouted Cole. Adeline kept running no matter how much Cole and Gilbert yelled for her to come back.   Though, Adeline didn't stop at the school. She ran past the school, past the fields, and straight to her house. Anne followed closely behind her while Diana was screaming at cole and Gilbert. "What did you two do?" She asked them. "He promised he wouldn't steal her away from me. He knows that i love her. But he's a back stabbing traitor!" Replied Cole glaring at Gilbert. "I-I couldn't help myself." He said sadly. "You're admitting it?" Cole said in disbelief. "She wanted to talk to me. But I took it the wrong way." Gilbert said looking at his feet. "Well because of you two Adeline is gone." She said angrily. "She's gone again? For how long?" Cole Asked. "I don't know." Replied Diana with her words barely audible.

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