Chapter 11

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It was another day of school and it was hard trying to persuade Adeline's parents into letting her go. They were still skeptical from the actions of the day before. Even though Adeline told her parents that everything was patched up they still were worried what lies Anne could've told to others. When Merilla heard of the outrageous things Anne had said and done she asked Adeline's family to dinner at Green gables. This was the main reason Adeline could go to school today. As they were walking to school Gilbert asked Adeline a very important question. "Now that all of that mess has been cleared up, will you officially be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Errmm" there was a long pause until Adeline finally said, "Yes, as long as this does not interfere with school work or friendships." "That is wonderful, should we share the news?" Asked Gilbert. "Only to few people, and when I say few I do not mean Anne should know." She replied. "Of course, I completely agree with you." He answered. Gilbert now had a huge grin across his face and Adeline's cheeks were rosier than usual. But what of Cole? Isn't he someone you have clear feelings for? Adeline, you know you aren't in love when you already found someone else. What are you going to do? How are you going to feel when you see coles face? Thoughts were rushing through Adeline's head until they finally got to school. There he stood, Cole was staring at Adeline and Gilbert walking together. "Gilbert, Adeline, come over and sit with us." Shouted Diana. Gilbert and Adeline walked over to the group with Diana, Cole, and Ruby. "We have some great news to tell you all." Said Gilbert. "Oh my, what is it?" Diana asked. "Adeline and I are officially dating." Gilbert answered. "Oh what wonderful news!" Diana said excitedly. Cole just stared at Adeline with a blank expression across his face.  I don't like her. I like boys, remember? No, I can't hide that I like her. What am I going to do? How could she possibly be with Gilbert? Did she hear that I only like boys? That's not true! I like both genders! Cole only had worried thoughts going through his head.  But even with all those thoughts he still said nothing. Even those he was an artist his colorful words could not escape his mouth to tell Adeline how he feels. Sadly, Adeline did not know he felt this way or she wouldn't have said yes to Gilbert. Then Anne came so they changed the subject. The school day was exactly the same as usual but with the appearance of Cole. Cole finally got to see how brilliant Adeline was and he fell even deeper in love. He usually didn't focus on school for his artistic reasons but now with Adeline there he only concentrated on her.

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