Chapter 25

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After Diana and Cole ran away Gilbert thought of running back to them, but no he wouldn't budge. Instead, he ran to Anne. "Anne, please talk to us." Gilbert said sincerely. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Not after what you did to me. You should be on your way. Goodbye." Anne said sassily trying to hold back tears. No matter how confident your exterior can be, your insecurities will always haunt you. Gilbert had no where to go, no one needed him. His inner worth was trembling, and his heart was aching. Aching and yearning for Anne to notice him again, forgive him. But Anne did not look back no matter how much she wanted to. Back at Adeline's house Adeline was making plans of her own. Instead of waiting til everyone came to her house she decided to go visit someone. Someone that needed her more than she realized. Adeline knocked on the door and heard footsteps scurrying down the stairs. The door swung open, "who is it?" Asked Anne. "Hello, Anne." Said adeline softly (I mean she is still shaken/shooketh). "Adeline, what are you doing here? Isn't there friends that you specifically want to come to your house." Anne Said defiantly. "I never requested any special people, it was just cole, gilbert, and Diana who came. Might I remind you they came unexpectedly." Replied Adeline. "So who told me I couldn't come?" Asked Anne concerned. "Well, I do remember Gilbert telling me the people who were coming....and how he had chosen them." Said Adeline who finally came to the conclusion that it was Gilbert. "He didn't let me see you. I promise I wanted to. I just thought you didn't want to see me." Anne said. "Of course I wanted to see you. Everything that happened is in the past. We've moved on from that period in our friendship." Said Adeline sweetly. "Please come in. We need to have a little chat about our dear friend, Gilbert." Said Anne gesturing Adeline into the house. With that there was a slam of the door and the secrets that were shared in that room stay in that room. Well for now.

Authors Note:
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