Chapter 17

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We left off with the kids storming off to go get Josie. Know one knew what they were going to do to her. They figured she was still at school playing the game. They were half way there when they saw Josie walking home. "Hey Josie!" Yelled our jerry. "Oh, hello Jerry." Said Josie sweetly. "You can't do this to Diana!" Said jerry. " oh sure I can't." Said Josie sarcastically. "Diana deserves what she got. Once I told my mother about this incident she was furious." Josie continued. " oh my, Looks like someone expanded their vocabulary from incompetent to slightly average." Snapped Adeline. "I thought we were friends, adeline." Said Josie angrily. "We were, until you did this to Diana." Adeline replied. "No! It's not just because of this. We stopped talking before this. As soon as you and Anne became friends we stopped talking. Do you not understand, I have no friends! I thought that at least I could have you,Adeline. But Anne took you away from me too!" Said Josie with tears starting to flood in her eyes. Adeline rushed over and hugged Josie. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize what I was doing." Said Adeline. "Am I really the problem for both of your struggles." Anne said to Adeline and Josie. "I mean, you were." Said Adeline quietly. "Definitely." Said Josie. "I'm a-a terrible person." Said Anne who was taken aback. "No you're not!" Said Gilbert defiantly. Adeline looked at Gilbert funny.I can't believe he took her side instead of mine. Josie and I are the real victims here. I thought Gilbert was supposed be my protector, not Anne's. Adeline kept thinking about how Gilbert could side with Anne. "Didn't you just hear what Anne did to Adeline, Gilbert? Are you mental?" Cole said. "Cole, Anne has been the victim in everything. I thought you were her friend. Be there for her....or I will! Said Gilbert. For the first time in awhile Anne and gilbert looked into each other's eyes and saw stars.

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