Chapter 18

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As they looked into each other's eyes everything was a blur. It was like time has stopped. Anne felt like it was an apology for everything. "Gilbert!" Shouted Adeline so he could hear her. "What?" He Asked. "We're done." Adeline replied. Gilbert looked at her with sheer hope that she was just kidding and everything would be okay for tomorrow, but Adeline was looking at someone else. Cole and Adeline stared back at each other. At that moment Gilbert realized what Adeline was doing. Everyone went home that night, separate, except for Adeline and Gilbert. "I'm sorry I had to do that." Adeline said. "It's not your fault. You have fallen in love, just not with me." Said Gilbert who was thinking of Cole. "Well, you have fallen in love as well." Said Adeline softly. "And who would that be?" Gilbert questioned. "Anne, of course." Adeline answered. "Really, Anne?" Gilbert scoffed. "I see the way you look at her. That's the whole reason Anne hated me,you know?" Adeline said kindly. "She was jealous of us?" Gilbert asked. "Yes, it's true love. You love her and she loves you back. I can't say the same for myself." Adeline sighed. "If we are being honest, I saw the way Cole looks at you. I can talk to Anne and Diana about it but, I'm pretty sure he's in love with you." Gilbert said. "Can we be the ex couple who become best friends? I still want to talk to you. You make my life a lot happier." Adeline said slowly. "Of course, I would love that." Gilbert said with a grin breaking out on his face. Adeline finally reached home. When she got there she saw her parents and brother sitting down waiting for her. "Come, sit down dear." Her mother said. "What's going on?" Adeline asked. "We are going to tell your brother the wonderful news and we thought you should be here when we tell him." Said her father. "Ok right then. Son, we are having a baby." Her mother Said happily. "No, no you can't. You can't bring a baby to this terrible life. You can't afford it." Her brother said angrily. "Let us worry about that." Her father said. "No. I can't let you do that. Don't expect me to come back next time I get the chance to then." Her brother said walking out of the house. "No! Please don't leave me! Come back!" Screamed adeline chasing after her brother. "Adeline get inside." Her mother said trying not to break down yet. "Come back you coward!" Adeline kept screaming. She kept on screaming until she fell to her knees in an open plain and started crying while watching birds chirps and the sun shine. How could anyone be happy at this time, she thought to herself。

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