Chapter nine

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As school was about to start Adeline finally got there. She felt like she was walking in sunshine, nothing could bring her down. Until she saw Ruby. "What were you doing with him! Anne told me everything! You dirty,no good liar! You promised to back off!" Screamed Ruby almost in tears. Anne stood next to Ruby smirking at Adeline. Adeline stood frozen remembering yesterday with Gilbert. How did Anne see? Oh, what did I do? Where's Gilbert or Diana? I just need friends to help me. Ruby swung a hand but not open but clenched into a fist. There was one fist to her jaw and another to her forehead and that's all that she could remember. Blood was pouring out of Adeline's mouth and Ruby took one last punch to the gut. Adeline fell over, but she never got back up. Diana screamed which made Gilbert and some other boys come running around the corner. "Anne, what have you started! What did you tell her!" Shrieked Diana in a half sob. Ruby took Anne's hand and ran away. Diana ran in to tell Ms.Stacey, while Gilbert was trying to remember stuff from his medical studies. Gilbert was holding Adeline in his arms and putting a handkerchief in her nose to stop the blood. Ms. Stacey called Adeline's parents so they rushed to the school. Adeline was brought inside by the fire so she wouldn't have to stay out in the cold. "Please can we bring her home she needs to be surrounded by people who love her when she wakes up." Her father said concerned. "Who did this to her!" Adeline's mother cried. "The girl who did this ran away." Ms.Stacey replied. "Well go find her the-.... Adeline you're awake!" Her mother said sounding praised. "W-w-where's Ruby and Anne?" Adeline demanded. "They ran away." Said Gilbert who was holding her hand. She didn't let go of the hand though. "I know where they will be." Said Diana quietly. "Take me to them ,please." Said Adeline calmly. "I'll come too." Gilbert said. So they set off to the remnants of they're old shack.

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