Chapter 10

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Anne and Ruby were at the shack and when they got there they saw Cole sitting there. "Cole!" And screamed in delight. "Anne I told you I had a surprise! He came back early!" Ruby said with excitement. "I finally found myself... I don't exactly just like boys I also like girls it's just I hadn't met the right girls here to realize that. Also my art has went to great new lengths. I have learned so much. But I am happy to be back." Cole said. "We are happy you are back." Said Ruby. "But we do have a story to tell you." Said Anne. So they told him all about Adeline until they heard the cracking of leaves breaking. Then they all saw each other. Adeline looked at all of their faces and was immediately smitten when she saw Cole. "Anne how could you do this?" Asked Diana. "I did what I had to. Dibs are dibs." She replied. Gilbert scoffed at that comment. "You should've listened when I told you to back off Adeline." Ruby said very arrogant. "Ruby I don't like you dibs won't work!" Shouted Gilbert. Ruby's eyes started to flood with tears. "Really Gilbert you can't just say that!" Cole said. "Just because you came back doesn't mean you know the whole story Cole!" Shouted Diana. "Anne told me everything." Said Cole. "Of course she did, just like she told everything to Ruby." Bursted our Gilbert. Adeline just stood there watching the fight go on. She hadn't spoken once. How could things have gone terribly wrong in on morning? "Enough!" Adeline shouted. Everyone stopped complaining and looked at her.  "No, Ruby did not have a right to physically hurt me. Anne did not have a right to  'tell Ruby and Cole everything' but IT HAPPENED. There is no going back! We can either go past this or stay screaming! I am ready to go past it, i just want friends here! But i don't get that do I!" Screamed adeline with tears starting to steam down her eyes. Cole stared at her with stars in his eyes. Could this be love at first sight? I have to get to know her. So I must agree. Because what if what she saying is true? For a minute Cole was lost in his thoughts then he finally said, "let's be friends?" "Of course." Adeline said with a smile breaking across her face. Anne felt betrayed of this act. "I do need to get over Gilbert, maybe we could get along." Said Ruby finally relenting. "I would love that." Said Adeline happily. Everyone looked at Anne. That's when Anne started to sprint home. Everyone went to sleep wondering what would happen tomorrow. They could've all been friends if it wasn't for Anne being so jealous of everything Adeline was.

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