Chapter 29

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"It's so beautiful." Exclaimed Anne. "It truly is." Agreed Adeline. They were standing right in front of the new fort, admiring its beauty. It was made out of large oak logs, with bails of hay in a square shape in the corner, a fire pit in the middle of the square shaped hay, a plain area, a bail of hay at another corner, a bucket of water stood with branches of birch wood surrounding it, two large rectangular windows, one small square window, a beautiful mixture of birch and oak wood made up the door. On the outside the landscaping was made up of red roses, pink and yellow tulips, and blue orchids. Next to either side of the house was a newly planted willow tree and a newly planted magnolia tree. They built the dam Adeline had talked about and stocked one side with goldfish,frogs, salamanders,blue gills, etc. The other side they cleaned up and put wood planks on the bottom and sides of the pond, then they filled it back up with water. Gladly, it was roofed with fine oak planks. "Maybe in that open are cole can do his art. With the square bails of hay and the bonfire we can all sit together and just be friends. Oh this bucket can be used as a sink." Said Adaline pausing at just be friends. "Are you having doubts about our friendship circle." Asked Anne concerned. "Well, I don't know what to think of Gilbert and Cole. They have wronged me more than once. I don't know if I can trust them, again." Said Adeline sadly. "You know they both love you, even Gilbert. Heck, Diana likes you more than me. Diana and I used to be kindred spirits." Anne said matching Adeline's somber tone. "Used to? What changed." Asked Adeline. "She found you."

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