Chapter six

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It was the next day and Anne and Diana just got to school. They overheard shouting, so they decided to see who it was. "Haven't you heard of dibs! You are so inconsiderate!" Ruby shouted. "I'm sorry I didn't know any of this!" Adeline said. Then ruby slapped her in the face. Diana rushed over to Adelines aid. Just then Gilbert cane running out. He must've just got to school to see ruby slap Adeline. "Oh my gosh! Adeline are you alright?" Diana asked. "Adeline!" Yelled Gilbert when he came rushing over. "Ruby, why would you do this?" Gilbert said in a concerning manner. "She t-took you a-a-away from m-m-me!" Ruby said starting to burst into tears. Then everyone noticed Adelines red face and tears streaming down her eyes. "Are you okay Adeline?" Questioned Diana. "Yes I'm quite alright." Adeline answered. "Do you want me to help you with anything?" Gilbert asked. "No, I'm fine. But, u am going to sit inside for now." Said Adeline rushing away. Anne just stood there as Adeline whisked past. Should I have helped her? Should I go comfort anyone? Who can I choose Adeline or Ruby? Anne kept thinking to herself but she had no actions just standing there frozen. Adeline sat down in her seat with a blank expression and was just listening to her thoughts. Adeline you tried to fit in but this is what you get. Should I apologize? Stupid me for thinking I could have friends. But Gilbert was so kind to me. What choices do I make? "Hey, Adeline." Said Gilbert. Adeline jumped up startled. "Yes, uh, yes Gilbert?" She replied. "How does your face feel?" He asked. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you for asking Gilbert?" She said. I can't believe I lied about where I lived. She thought to herself. After school Adeline skipped the game and went straight home. Gilbert offered to come with her but she said she was fine walking by herself. As she walked home she saw her brother. Alexander worked in the mines and came home very little. She could see his dirty soot covered face but he didn't care. "Adeline! You came home early! Help me with the dishes before your father gets home!" Her mother pleaded. "Yes mother." She answered. Her father was an abusive man. He hit the whole family daily. Their mother got the worst beatings of all. She couldn't escape the abusive relationship because it got too serious. Her sister died when Adeline was a baby. Her sisters name was Addison. She died just days after she was born. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, they said it was some sort of genetic disorder. And that's when the abusing came into play. They had a rickety old she'd to live in that is barely even habitable. Adeline went to sleep on her straw bed and slept until morning.

Season 3 Anne with an E skrt Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ