Chapter 3

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4/15/05 - 10:58PM - Kent Farm - Smallville, KS

        Clark, Chloe and Lois all took time eating some of Martha Kent's homemade apple and strawberry pies which she was kind enough to give to the trio on the way back to the house.  Even though Clark enjoyed this type of pleasure every chance Martha decided to up and bake, he had yet to get tired of it.

"Mmm." Lois hummed. "Mrs. Kent you certainly know how to make a great pie."

"Well I couldn't just let you have that coffee without something to enjoy it with."  said Martha.

"Well its no surprise that even after two hours of modern noir that your could turn this into a wholesome family evening Mrs. Kent." said Chloe.

"I want to keep business going as well as to make that place respectable, which is why I agreed to airing a movie like that at night." said Martha. "So what are you kids planning for the weekend?"

"Well I'm going to hopefully help Chloe get that prom dress she's been eyeing for weeks, hopefully its ready." said Lois.

"I'll help you cover for Lois like we agreed mom."  said Clark.  "Besides its a real treat taking Lois' money."

"Really charming Smallville."  Lois retorted.

"What about the rest of the weekend?"  Martha asked.  "Surely you have more than just the prom. What about you Clark?  What are you going to do?"

"I'm not really sure mom.  There's always chores, dad's leg is still sore from that... you know."

Martha and Clark both remembered those days back with the evil Lex.

"I'm also still sending my transcripts to various universities as well as helping out Chloe with the Torch."

"Don't worry Clark."  chimed Chloe. " I made the deadline Thursday to ease the transition back after tax day.  I take it's the least I can do God forbid the school has to endure a bad audit."

"Chloe."  Martha intoned.

"Sorry Mrs. Kent." said Chloe.

"Well there's always Shelby, gotta show him around maybe outside the town."

"I agree." said Lois "The less of him around the better."

"I thought you had an appointment with a doctor last week." said Clark.

"I did. But all they did was stick a bunch of needles into me and made me very itchy."

"Aww. Sounds so entertaining you should have let accompany you."

        Lois braced a virulent comeback but not in front of the guy's mom.  All she could reply with was a tight clenching of her teeth. Martha just ignored and continued talking until Chloe started to yawn.

"Well, I've got to be going now, see you later cuz." Chloe said as she grabbed her keys right beside the kitchen door.  "First thing in the morning, remember."

"Sure thing Chlo'.  Well Martha, Smallville, have a good evening."

Martha stayed behind as Clark continued to finish his pie, but decided to put down his fork instead.

"What's wrong?" said Martha.

"What do you mean?" said Clark.

"A slice of pie is going to go uneaten.  Something's wrong."

Clark didn't really know how to say it, but he managed. "Its just that a few days ago I had to stop a friend of mine from beheading me with a sword. Only for the exact same friend willing to die to stop that sword. And Dad..."

"Its a tough thing seeing something like that. The truth is Clark we all carry that evil inside of us, we just need to be reminded by those we love to continue to keep that darkness at bay."

"But do you remember those words he said to dad?  'I am the villain of the story.'  As if he was living his own personal comic book only he was only too happy to be the villain.  How could anyone chose to embrace evil over good?  I know Lex is back to normal but I only wish I could really make it last. Make everything in my life last. Today when Lois and Chloe mentioned prom one of things I could think about was wishing to take Lana with me."

"You can always ask her." said Martha.

"She's still with Jason and I don't want to go just as her friend.  Plus the movie while full of action also had a hero fail to save the girl he loved from dying.  It made me think about Alicia for a moment." Clark paused as he still felt a small pain in his heart whenever he thought of Alicia. "I need to ask Lex if comic book heroes have happily ever after or is that only in fairy tales."

"Oh sweetie, you will find someone who'll love you. You have to believe that."

"Yeah, maybe.  Even if there was could I possibly make it last.  Lets not forget there is still my biological father out there."

"But until then go out with your friends.  Chloe and Lois have the morning and afternoon to themselves.  With some money in your pocket you can do something for yourself.  Maybe see if Lex can answer your question about heroes having happy endings"

"Sure thing mom."  Martha stood as she wrapped her arms over his son in a warm embrace. "Goodnight son."

        She walked away as Clark set up the couch with a blanket covering him up.  With Lois staying over, she had to use his room.  He'd be more comfortable staying in his loft but because of the occasional cold evenings he had to sleep on the couch so as to fend off any suspicion over his abilities.  Still it wasn't that bad, the couch was plenty comfortable and Shelby was good company.  Still a little tired but it was going to take him a while to really go to sleep.  He thought while his eyes where closed what he could do with his weekend.  It was going to be a little warmer tomorrow it would be perfect to take him to crater lake, enjoy the peace and quiet.  He thought back to his mother hugging him goodnight.  Strange how he thought of that, it reminded him of an argument he had with his father about playing football was just as difficult for him as it was shaking hands or giving a hug.  Though it was not an uncomfortable feeling but he always wondered how must it be like to be given a good strong hug.  Every human being he every held in his arms he always had to hug so gently that if felt like holding air sometimes.  Still if not a strong embrace than at least a gentle hold over someone you love. 

        His last thought to himself just before falling asleep? How wonderful would it be if he could find a girl he could hug with all his might?

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