Chapter 26

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4/16/05 - 11:30PM  - Bratt Flats - Smallville, KS

        Chloe found herself back inside her old house alongside the Kents.  Thankfully there was no extra security in the house.  When the community is gated there is very little need to get extra alarm.  Chloe then found it strange to welcome the Kents to her house though technically it didn't belong to her anymore.  Still tricky to sell this though.  Once her father got fired, Lionel Luthor had him replaced with another manager who was more or less happy to stay where he lived but appreciated the money to go on more vacations with his family.  So the house was still shown around by her father, sometimes by people who just wanted to meet her for putting Lionel Luthor behind bars.  Though released on a technicality and now living back at the Luthor Mansion having ended his strange Phoenix effect that came from an almost miraculous healing of his rare liver disease.

        Now her father had found some work back at the LuthorCorp near Metropolis but wasn't assigned a position until after she graduated. Until then, Lex was giving her dad a very respectable extension of his severance.

"My Dad's room is pretty cozy with a nice bed for you both, I still have my old room.  Most of this place is furnished to show around for people but I'd suggest you keep it clean."

"No problem dear." said Martha.

"I'm just glad we are safe for now." Chloe then sighed.  "I just wish I knew where Clark was."

"I'm right here Chloe."

        Chloe almost jumped out of her skin as she saw Clark this time without the military fatigues, sticking to his usual red jacket, blue shirt and jeans.  Next to him was a very tall brunette in glasses, wearing a red plaid blouse, white leather jacket and blue jeans.  Come to think of it..


"Yes Chloe its me." she said as she took of her glasses.  I'm not going to hurt you Chloe. Your cousin and friend were the exception because they attacked me.  You don't have to fear me or you Mr. and Mrs. Kent.  Well?"

"Well what?" said Chloe.

"Aren't you going to hug your best friend."

Seeming as if a light switch was turned on Chloe ran up to Clark and hugged him very tight, the Kents followed afterwards.  Several minutes seemed to pass by before anyone decided to let go. 

"Clark what is happening here?" said Martha.  "And who are you Diana?  Why do you want our son and why would anyone be coming after us?"

"First of all Mrs. Kent I think Clark has some explaining for Chloe." said Diana.  "Because the truth is all of you are tied together because you know the truth about Clark.  Its Chloe who doesn't know all of it and right now I believe its time she knows.

"Know what Clark?" asked Chloe.

"I saw the interrogation Chloe, both of your interrogations."

The Kents looked saddened at the idea of their son having to see them having to protect him.

"You guys managed to trick that investigator but not Chloe and more importantly none of you could have hoped for Lois' father to do that to any of you.  And its all because of me. Chloe I know several weeks ago that you saw me lift a car above my head and then disappear right in front of your eyes."

"Oh, well, I, um."  In rare moment for Chloe she couldn't be able say anything.

"I'm so sorry I was never able to tell you before now.  You have no idea how much I've wanted to tell you."

"Clark don't.  How many times have I let the truth destroy reputations and lives.  I have for the longest time been untrustworthy.  That day I got that truth gas in my system, Lana looked me in the eyes and told me she couldn't trust me.  I wanted to find out your secret from Lionel Luthor so he could get my father his job back.  Believe me right now I'd prefer to live in a bell tower and work alongside gargoyles for the rest of my life than do that again.  I've kept quiet waiting for the day you'd tell me.  Because I know in my heart I don't deserve to know.  Especially after what happened to Alicia."

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