Chapter 16

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4/16/05 - 1:35PM  - Smallville Medical Center - Smallville, KS

        Martha was standing in the room for minutes, but what felt like hours after the sheriff's deputies sent them all to the hospital as the doctor checked out both Lana and Lois. Other than a few bruises both girls where cleared as Lois stepped out the room followed closely by Lana. Martha wondered how Lois had managed to get pair of sunglasses as she realized it was to cover her eyes.  Martha remembered how that fierce elbow shot had knocked out Lois.  She looked at Lana who was nursing her head, remembering how after taking several stiff stinging blows and a very powerful kick to her head.

Chloe stood outside of the room seated until she saw Lois as she stood up giving her a big hug. "Are you okay cuz?"

"Sure cuz. Just give me a raw steak, a really big drink and a heavy caliber machine gun to deal with what I've got going on in my head and Miss Fancy Pants."

"Sorry." said Chloe.

"Not half as sorry as the squid who just went and turned the Talon in to Fight Club."

Chloe then turned to Lana as she saw her holding her head.

"Didn't they gave you two any painkillers."

"Ha!" spat Lois. "Painkillers, is that what they call the stuff they gave us? More like painstayers. Ooh."

"Take it easy, Lois.  Well I guess its like our fathers both taught us when we were kids, 'don't talk to strangers.'"

"The woman went from four-eyes to fists of fury.  How could anybody have expected that?  Speaking of nerds where is Clark?"

"He's been taken by that woman."

"What?" Lois said shocked. "Are you sure?"

Chloe continued.  "A deputy picked up Clark as he got you two to safety after they started firing tear gas into the Talon.  They picked up Sheriff Adams but they couldn't find that woman.  The deputy was about to take Clark somewhere safe when he got the news only for the woman to force the deputy out of his car and raced out of the street.  The say she caused a pile up with a big rig, after which she drove the car off of Loeb bridge.  I haven't heard anything else, except that Clark and the woman are still missing, I even hear they're setting up roadblocks."

"This is too much even for Smallville." said Lois.

"Chloe?" a voice called.

"Dad?"  Chloe ran to her father's arms in a tight hug.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, just a little tear gas inhalation. Its Lana and Lois that are a little worse for  wear.  But Clark's been taken by the woman who fought of the two.  I'm trying to get something out of the deputies but they'll only talk to Mrs. Kent."

"It's all right Chloe, I'll see if anyone will talk to me."  Martha said as Chloe then pointed to the deputies who where a waiting area as Martha Kent walked to the man who seemed to be in charge.

"Deputy? I'm Martha Kent."

"I know Mrs. Kent.  I've been manning the fort as it were for the past half hour trying to find out what's going on.  First I get an all points bulletin from the US military that say a woman had been spotted.  I hear from you that the sheriff received a message from the sheriff in Grandville who's been told to look out for Clark as a person of interest.  Now this assault on the Talon and that pile up down the street along with the patrol car into the Elbow River.  I honestly wish I could give you information but right now I wish you could explain something for me.  Is there anything you wish to tell me about Clark, anything at all?"

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