Chapter 25

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4/16/05 - 10:00PM  - Kansas Roadway, KS

        Diana and Clark had made it past the confusion that was building up the base as local police had done their best to assist the military.  Diana knew that the EMP she triggered was powerful enough to do its work in screwing up the base's power which would be up in running in an half an hour, but its communications had been badly devastated.  That would take several more hours as nearby bases would do their best to bring it back.  But until then, no check points were set up, no reports of Chloe Sullivan or that of Jonathan and Martha Kent had been put up.

        Dick Salkind required something much more faster as a mode of transportation enough for four people, so he had to ditch the van.  But he was more than happy to have accomplished his mission in saving Chloe and the Kents.  A part of him was annoyed he couldn't see the look at th faces of the high command knowing their military base had entered the stone age. 

        The roads seemed to be clear, with only a few check points set up looking for those anyone.  Once a cop took a look inside Dick's car and saw all the seats were filled then looked back into their papers or coffee mugs being told to look out only for Clark and Diana.  It was going to take a few more hours to get to Smallville but once he did he was going to lay low for a bit.  Dominican Republic or Brazil sounds interesting to Dick.  Not non-extradition but he did know some people there who could keep him out of trouble.

Just as he was thinking about the type of things he should say to the señoritas on the beach when his phone rang to an unlisted number.  Time to issue protocol.

"Disk Drive here.  Who is this?"

"Amazing Amazon and the Boy Scout."

"Well, well, well its good to here from you both.  I can see you did you job, any problems at your end."

"We didn't get caught, mostly.  But we lost something valuable and the T-1000 got away."

"Crap!  What are you guys going to do."

"What we agreed to.  You take Chloe and the Kents back to her old house until we find a way to get there without any more trouble.  We do have some time, that 'little present' we left them put a pretty little dent in their response time.  Who knows what they'll do.  But I'm pretty sure we've got some time to hide.  But make sure you get there safely you've done more than we could have expected."

"Like I said its been a real pleasure.  Oh, would you care to speak to them, normally I'd give it to one of the ladies but Mr. Kent," Dick turned around passing him the phone.  "Those was some pretty good punches."

"Clark. Are you okay."

'Guy busted out of the pokey and he still worries about his boy.  I wish I had had a dad like that.'  Dick thought to himself as Clark and Jonathan continued talking for a few moments.  The conversation was lost on them a bit as he drove the car through miles of empty road as he heard  Jonathan's words.  'I understand the call needs to be brief',  'I'll tell your mother you're fine' and  of course "I love you son."

It took several more hours until he finally saw a poster that proclaimed 'Smallville The Meteor Capital of the World.'  Dick drove through the quiet roads driving past a bowling alley and a small tavern.  He then saw a street corner that had a TV station and a local newspaper as he turned left and saw a gated community full of really nice houses.  It appeared all of the houses faced a really large golf course.  He then saw a sign that said "Bratt Flats."  He drove up to the place and saw an entry pad to which Chloe told him to punch in some numbers.  The numbers where accepted as the gates opened up.

Dick then drove Chloe to her old house though almost panicked when he realized she didn't have her key.  Until Chloe got out of the car and walked by the yard of the house and produced a key underneath a small flower near the corner of the yard.  He had to congratulate Chloe on finding a way to get past anything.  The Kents soon followed as they thanked Dick for what he had done for them.  Chloe in turn gave him a hug. 'If only I was a few years younger." he thought as he left them as he went to find a good place to travel.

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