Chapter 11

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4/16/05 - 12:14PM -  The Talon - Smallville, KS

        Clark was busy in the back of the Talon organizing everything from coffee cups, cream packets, sugar, tea bags and so much more.  He had to admit this was pretty tedious.  Yet he was doing all this for Chloe.  Hopefully nothing else got in their way and if it did he was claiming the hours Lois was keeping him there.

"Clark, we need some more napkins for three tables here."  Martha's voice came from the counter as she caught Clark's attention.

        Clark in less than a second got the napkins in their bins and had them ready for the tables she needed.  The Talon was certainly enjoying a very busy day, Clark attributed this the weekend to everyone getting ready for prom.  With the lunch hour already in full swing, many of Martha's baked goods where going quickly as Clark returned back to the counter.

"So mom, are you sure you don't need any help with the register?  Its starting to get a little crazy in here."

"Oh I can manage dear. Besides Lois just called says she'll be here in any moment and she's far better at the register than I am."

"So Chloe got her dress then?" asked Clark.

"Yes.  And I'm told with quiet a bit of drama."

"Girls." sighed Clark. "All the trouble you go through to look good."

"Well son keep sounding more complementary instead of critical and you'll find the next girl coming right out of that door for you one day."

"Until then what do you need from me?"

"Many of the customers are coming to the counter and I do see several orders being made by some of the others we have here.  I'd suggest sweeping the floor in the receiving area in the back." Martha then leaned close to Clark in a hushed whisper, "and please take your time its pretty dirty back there and should take you at least thirty minutes."

        Clark knew he could finish that job in thirty seconds if he was lazy, but its always the little things he did to make sure his secret was maintained.

Martha then raised her voice back to normal as she feigned a critical tone. "It serves you right talking to half of your old teammates when they came barging in here complaining about their girlfriends while you were manning the counter."

"Yes ma'am." replied Clark.

Not that Clark was being lazy, just offering some polite conversation to half of his teammates who believed going with their girlfriends for their prom dresses was an act of chivalry that would guarantee them some make-out session.  Instead many came to the Talon complaining of the experience as if they had just been water-boarded and this time no meteor rock sports drink was going to keep them emasculated.  He chatted up half of the guys, some already reliving their epic games over the past year with 'Golden Arm' Kent being the hero of half these stories.  Some asked which colleges he had his sights set on.  Met U, Central Kansas, but what really got their attention was the University of Miami.  An hour must have gone by talking about how he was going to go over there and be the most epic Miami Hurricane that ever played football.  But Clark knew his days with football were over.  Still he respected that the guys hoped to meet him up there if he was called.  He'd have to thank the quick and impulsive Bart Allen for giving him the inspiration.  The boy being a super powered being minus anything to do with Smallville or meteor rocks, he really got to know him and earned a wonderful friend. Bart Allen was now out there looking for a team of fellow heroes like himself.  'That's what I really need' he thought 'some friends who aren't just girls or at least being apart of something important.'  But ever since he was a boy, in order to keep everyone safe he kept himself from anything team related.

'Oh well, life goes on and hopefully I'll enjoy the rest of his weekend.  But until then. Where is that broom?'


        Chloe, Lois and Diana walked into the Talon noting the busy atmosphere.  Diana looked around growing even more worried, Clark could pop out of here at any moment and if he found her here...  Best remain calm, get a drink and get out.  She already had what she came for.  While in the store she snuck behind Chloe and Lois as both girls had their cell phones in their pockets.  She remembered from Clark that Chloe was the most connected of the rest in keeping as much information at her fingertips.  She leaned in close to Chloe's pocket as she successfully forced paired the phone she had with Chloe's phone.  While both girls had their attention to the coffee shop Diana examined most of Chloe's phone and contacts checking in with anyone who she could keep an eye on.  Unfortunately it would appear Chloe had been contacted by a source concerning a raid on Fort Riley.  Hardcaste.  It had to be. 

'I may not have anytime at all' she thought.  'He moves now and I'll be flagged by the Navy.  What I hoped was a good reason to enter with a solid cover with a weapon in tow is now the perfect way to track me down! If Hardcastle is in their custody he must be trying to obtain their trust and then move on towards me.  He'll want Kal-El dead and hope to do it himself, but not even the military would send a stranger they apprehended to murder a teenaged boy accused of being an alien invader.  They'll gather evidence of him being a threat and that evidence is me!  The trail could lead to me and Kal-El.  Until then remain calm attempt to contact Kal-El and hope I can get him away without any trouble.

"Find us a place to sit Chloe I'll go chat up Martha for those drinks.  So what will it be squid?"

"Hmm."  Diana looked up from her phone as she noticed Lois. "A mocha cappuccino if they got it if not just straight up black coffee, with anything chocolate, a muffin if they have it."

"You're in luck.  They do serve a good cappuccino here and I hope that's not a bran muffin I'm mistaking for a chocolate.  You Chloe the usual?"

"With a blueberry muffin Lois."

"It has been that kind of day." Lois said as she left the two to find a table as she headed to the counter.

"Hi Mrs. Kent!" greeted Lois.

"Lois.  I see your back in time, Clark will be thrilled, he's in the back cleaning the receiving area."

"Really?  I'm not here then."

"He'll be done within half an hour.  More than enough time for you to start working especially on this register, looking a bit crazy here. Until then can I get you and Chloe something?"

"Not just me and Chloe but also a new acquaintance we picked up at the dress shop today.  See that girl in the glasses next to Chloe.  She needs a mocha cappuccino and a chocolate muffin as for Chloe a latte and a blueberry muffin, me I'll take a double espresso with a slice of apple pie."

"Who is the girl?"

"A maiden of honor.  Chloe and I witnessed a prom queen wannabe make trouble for Mrs. Marston at the dress shop.  She wanted to buy her pride and joy in the display window, but made it clear that it wasn't for sale, she even told her that she didn't have the right shape for it.  This girl walks by and not only felt she was a better choice but offered her to try it on."

"Really?" said Martha. "I've known Liz for some time, for her to offer anyone to touch that dress would be a great honor.  She actually offered her to try it on?"

"Oh yeah.  First she told her to put down her bag, stand up straight and look commanding.  Even I admit there was an almost zero to hero transformation about her demeanor.  She's kind of shy and with those glasses and that hair she seems to enhance that awkwardness."

"What's her name?"

"Diana, she's a Navy pencil pusher out on some job she just finished around here. Came to town for some much needed rest and recreation."

"Probably working out of that old diving school or those other old stations.  I see.  Well tell her from me that the US Navy drinks free on their first visit.  I'll have it in a jiffy."

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