Chapter 5

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4/16/05 - 6:59AM - Kent Farm - Smallville, KS

        She stood waiting patiently. In less than a few seconds it would go off and she'd start the day with a bang.  Leaning over him as the device was over his head she waited.

"AHHH!!!!" Clark screamed as the loud recording of Reveille blared into his head.  Lois yelled a riot of laughter as she stepped back and witnessed Clark jumping across the room in his valiant attempt to regain his wits.

"What are you doing?!" cried Clark. 

"Your mother's preparing breakfast.  Best get a move on it."

        Clark sometimes wanted to strangle this girl.  Why did he ever insist on giving her a place to stay after she got expelled from college?  All she seemed to do was enjoy aggravating him every chance she got.

"Well what are you waiting for leap year?  Hustle up Smallville.  Be glad today is the weekend, this is a reprieve of two hours."

        Clark could already smell eggs and bacon being cooked on the pans as Martha Kent moved around the kitchen  without missing a beat.  Clark really had to admire his mom for doing what she did both at home and at work.

"Clark sweetie please put the milk and juice on the table."

"Sure thing Mom."

        Eventually the eggs, bacon and toast where put on the table as Martha, Lois and Clark where joined by Jonathan he came outside all ready a little sweaty from the early morning labor.

"Hey Dad take it a little easy I'm only going to be gone for half the day." 

"Exactly son, half a day of sun lost in the field is a good half day's work.  Plus after what your ma and I went through this past week.  Hopefully we'll get the chance to gain a respite in our bills.  And for me that respite is knowing the land out there is still ours and I'm going to take pride in working it."

        Clark was proud of his father's work ethic and understood how much he cared for home.  But it hurt Clark knowing that the next time Jonathan overworked himself it would be the final heart attack that would kill him.

"Just take it easy is all I'm saying.  Don't forget to go easy on that leg."

"Well lets dig in."  Martha proclaimed. 

        Breakfast was enjoyed and then some.  Jonathan sat on the couch nursing a good strong cup of coffee as he nodded farewell to his family as they began their day walking out the door and listening to the roar of their truck.

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