Chapter 7

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4/16/05 - 10:39AM -  Main street - Elizabeth's Dresses - Smallville, KS

        Chloe and Lois sat in the small seating area as the continued waiting as other girls from stalls in the shop tried on dresses.  It was a small store, yet on a quiet day it seemed spacious.  However not today.  More chairs where put against the wall as more girls continued talking about their sizes, the color of the fabric, the type of fabric yet through it all Mrs. Marston who owned the shop that carried her name with the utmost calm. 

"Wow." sighed Lois. "I knew it was going to be chaotic, but I never figured it would be this much."

Chloe looking at her phone didn't so much as bat an eye, not hearing a single word Lois said.

"And I'm going to be making my premiere as a stripper while dancing in the alcohol laced punch." No reaction out of Chloe yet.  "Did I mention the punch bowl is a swimming pool."

"Oh!" Chloe popped out of her revelry. "Careful Lois some guy might overhear you."

"What are you looking at?"  asked Lois a guy who apparently overheard what sounded to him like a glorious fantasy. "Hope his girlfriend caught that."

"I just received a notice from a certain conspiracy theorist website host on something that happened last night at a military base."

"Chloe, your bucking for a spot at the Daily Planet, why still sticking to the Wall of Weird." 

"A story is a story and just because its from a questionable source doesn't mean it isn't worth checking."

"Why? So that E.T. and Fox Mulder can get together and film an erotic film with the creature from the Black Lagoon."

"You need to catch up on the fakes so that you can determine what is legit." Chloe continued. "And I'll tell you that the Wall of Weird has never been proven wrong. This event last night is something I know isn't fake.  Plus the guy who sent this is really cute."

"Well when you put it like that.  What is the story."

"Apparently there is amateur video of him filming the base getting what looks like half the lights in a section of the base having been knocked out." Chloe paused for a moment. "The Army says that it was just repairing some wiring.  Odd time to do it that late at night and according to my source there are legitimate reports of the duty officers that night who claim that they spotted a man having run at almost superfast speeds across the base.  Whereas the official response is that it was a car that went haywire."

"Well, Chloe I wouldn't worry about it too ..."

"I would Lois.  It happened at Fort Riley where Uncle Sam is stationed."

"Really?" said Lois as she got out her cell phone and started to dial. "Come on, pick up, Dad."

"Lois? Lois? You know forget I mentioned it its probably nothing."

"Pick up the phone general." Lois squawked.

"Chloe Sullivan!" Mrs. Marston called.

"Right here.  Come on Lois I'm sure everything is all right."

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