Chapter 20

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4/16/05 - 5:15PM  - Madsen Farm - Outside of Houston, TX

        They walked, then super sped all the way to a large prairie with some trees far from any road.  The place was near a farm who's residents were not at home, leaving Clark and Diana time to stay for a while.  Clark really liked how quiet and vast the land was in many ways it was exactly like home.  Diana however decided to add a small table and bench for them talk for a while.  And though Diana felt confident that Clark was more trustworthy she decided to actually do something rather unexpected.

"Kal-El, I know I have told you much about your future and mine and as we go further in fixing what has happened here I want to show you something.  Something from your life on Krypton that I know you will love."

Clark had already begun to trust Diana.  She didn't have to do anymore now.  But when it came to Krypton he knew he didn't truly hate it.  There was his birth mother Lara who he remembered from a long lost memory he recovered from a scientific experiment done on him.  But other than his birth mother he had no other reason to care for Krypton.  Especially given what Diana said was true, that his entire species had sat idly by as it destroyed itself. 

"Diana, I don't love anything about Krypton other than the mother who gave me life and was concerned that I live without being loved.  What else can you possibly give me?"

"Someone who loves you now even as I speak."

        Clark thought it was a rather strange expression, while Diana was pretty he didn't want to think she was referring to herself.  Besides she made it clear she wasn't from Krypton.

"Wait a moment Kal-El." said Diana as she pulled something from her pocket.  By the looks of things it looked like a dog whistle.  She then gave it to Clark. "Now blow as hard as you can."

Clark had no idea where this was going so he put the whistle to his mouth and blew.  After a short while nothing happened though for the briefest of moments Clark heard the sound of the whistle.  He knew that his super hearing could allow him to hear a dog barking ten miles away but never though he could actually hear something like a dog whistle.  If anything it almost sounded like the same sound he heard whenever the cave had summoned him.

        Clark almost overcome by the noise dropped the whistle as Diana caught it from him and asked him to sit down on the bench.  She pulled from her satchel what looked like to be an ordinary but very stylish computer.  She turned it on as Clark was surprised that despite all the commotion in the car crash in the water that it was still working.  But even more than all this was various files and programs on the screen including one he called 'Phantom.'

"I want to share with you something, Kal-El something you appreciate already but don't even know it.  When you were a baby, your mother while pregnant was walking along a pathway which almost collapsed due to an act of terror committed by several minions of a tyrannical military leader.  Yet among all the devastation caused she survived because what protected her was a white Kryptopolitan that warned her away from the street.  For Krypton has beings that are not just similar to human beings, but also to canines."

"There are dogs on Krypton too!" said Clark.

"Yes. The animal belonged to a pet store that had been devastated in the attack.  The animal survived and as the owner of the store was all but broke your mother was good enough to pay him for the dog several times over. 

The little fellow had touched the heart of your mother for what it did that she decided to make it your first pet.  It stood guard as you were placed in your crib after you were born. Yet you never had the chance to remember him, because one day the tyrannical leader decided to come into your parents home to kill your father on the very day he had tested a new technology that would imprison all enemies of Krypton.  In the struggle for their lives the dog was tossed into an abyss. Eventually the same tyrant found himself in the same place.

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