Chapter 35

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4/17/05 - 11:45PM  - Smallville Medical Center - Smallville, KS

        Diana saw the girls sound asleep under some sleeping bags which she had brought. She also remembered how grudgingly the doctor accepted them being there as Clark's friends slept quietly.  Hal and Carol took turns watching over the girls as Diana and Steve watched the door of Clark's room.  Several sheriff's deputies watched the door as they continued their watch.

        Diana still couldn't believe that this day was going to end with Clark still unconscious.  She hoped that he would have awoken by now.  She went inside Clark's room and saw that the Kent's were inside it still by their son's side.  Jonathan was resting comfortably in his sleeping bag while Martha read the last lines of the book in her hands as Diana fondly remembered her own mother reading to her books from some of the greats. 

"He turned out the light and went into Jem’s room. He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning. THE END."

        Martha closed the book in her hands as she placed it next to the Bible the Reverend had read from. 

"So I guess its an impossibility to have you go back to the farm then?" said Diana.

"When he wakes up I want to be right here for him." said Martha. 

"Maybe it will be in the morning as well.  Still I wish it would be this moment, right as we are all ready to go to sleep he'd be ready to wake up."

Martha continued to sit by Clark's bedside as she was fighting really hard not to yawn.

"Please go to bed Martha.  Steve and I will watch him."

"It should be either me or Jonathan, we are his family."

"Martha.  After what you've heard between me and him as well as Hal and Carol.  We are in many ways his family as well."

"I know.  But they haven't seen him as he was afraid of the noise under his bed or when he was there as he said his first words."

Martha leaned on her head as if it was literally getting heavier to hold.

"Please Martha, I...  wait a moment." Diana then reached for the computer in her bag as she placed a chair right next to Martha's.

"Want to see someone who's watching over your son who's been there as long as you?"

"What are you talking about?"

        Diana started on Martha as she did with Clark about Krypto.  The only difference this time there was no dog whistle.  Because she knew it wasn't needed.  She showed her the computer and showed her Krypto.  Martha put her hand to her mouth as she let out a small gasp from seeing that same beautiful white dog who fought to save Clark's biological father lying right atop Clark's bed as he stood guard over his young master.  If there was any sound she could probably hear his sad moaning.  Yet even Martha noticed something on Clark's face.  The smallest traces of a smile.

"He's a beautiful animal Diana.  I'm so glad to know that he has been there for Clark."  Martha then took a breath as she began to recount that there was some times when she could see the look on Clark's face as he smiled during the night as he was sleeping.

"I always though it was a good dream, but I never realized it was because of him.  Thank You Diana for showing me this."

"Your welcome Martha."  Diana then gripped her shoulder as gently as she could.  "Now get some rest."

Martha grabbed the sleeping bag placing it next to Jonathan as she fell asleep almost instantly.

        Diana checked her watch as she decided to leave the room.  She realized it was only minutes till midnight as she realized exactly what day it was going to be.  She left Clark's room as she then left to find a quiet room for herself.  She then fell to her knees as she said the briefest of prayers.  But she knelt there for a while as the watch she wore chimed midnight as she slowly cried herself to sleep.

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