Chapter 21

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4/16/05 - 6:00PM  - Observation Room - Fort Riley, KS

It had been hours since Sam Lane had reported his interrogations and was now waiting for the authorization to release the elder Hardcastle in assisting the search for Clark Kent.  The interrogations at first were a welcoming presence to the Joint Chief of Staff, particularly the first three. 

However, that last one with the Kents was a very humbling experience, more or less because though Blankenship saw the video, he didn't see what he saw.  Blankenship was a airman not a soldier. As far as Lane was concerned Blankenship never had to look men in the eye as they lied to your face. 

        While Carol was capable to know that Chloe was lying.  Lane believed that she fell for the Kents image of the happy family seeing the best in their son.  It was even more humbling when Jonathan punched him.  The assault all but convinced him of guilt.  He had yet to actually tell Lois about Chloe, but he felt she wouldn't understand.

        The rest of the staff having heard the interrogations were more or less pleased with his performance in the first three, however Steve looked too pleased to see Jonathan punch the general.  Steve was completely furious with what he saw as well as Carol in that her judgment was overruled.

"Sir, we have the communications up and running again." replied Colonel Napier.

        The screen lit up with the four generals sitting patiently, though the men seemed very uncomfortable as they sat down.  Particularly Blankenship who appeared furious.

"General Lane.  After a careful review of the situation and from what you had recently underwent with Jonathan and Martha Kent. I am refusing your request to release the man known as the elder Jason Hardcastle.  This man will not be able to provide you anything other than another set of boots looking for someone whose completely lost to us.

Even now I'm seriously doubting having you keep the Kent family as prisoners.  Other than Mr. Kents assault of you, there is nothing else that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that their son is a menace.  You have an assault charge on him, not to mention your own niece imprisoned.  You are becoming too involved in a matter that is becoming very personal.  You questioned the judgment of a junior officer, I understand that.  But from here on in you are to look at this from behind the curtain as Captain Trevor will take over interviewing these people.  He is an exceptional intelligence officer and someone I know who, not putting too fine a word, won't antagonize a possibly innocent family.  You are to inform Chloe Sullivan's father and I suggest your daughter.  I also order you visit your infirmary.  By the looks of things I think a farmer just broke your jaw.  Is all that understood?"

'Damn it!' thought General Lane.  "Understood, Sir. But may I be granted permission to speak freely about your decision, sir?"

"Of course.  But tread carefully Sam.  I will not allow my orders to be questioned."

"I understand the situation is unknown to us, but if we don't find Clark Kent soon or his accomplice we could be facing more trouble."

"No, Sam.  By the looks of things, trouble has ceased.  If these two have flown off the grid then the danger has subsided.  Until such problems arise, there is no urgency to follow up.  Now leave your suspects alone for the night and we'll have them questioned again tomorrow with more leads.  Captain Trevor?"

Steve had been quiet throughout most of the interview but attentive.  "Yes, Sir?"

"Has there been any further information on the whereabouts of the two fugitives?"

"I'm afraid not, Sir.  Despite the unparalleled information accessed from the NSA, there is nothing.  But our computers have their photographs and descriptions down, if they reappear on our radar we will be on them as quickly as possible."

"Very well, Captain.  In the meantime get ready for your interviews with the suspects.  Then get a good night's rest.  The rest of the logistics will be handled by Major Hardy.  Report to him and General Lane as well as to me. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

The monitor turned off as Steve got up and faced the General. "Any further instructions, Sir?"

"I believe you have you orders, Captain."

"Very well, I need a place to work in private."

"I'll have Colonel Napier show you to your quarters.  I will trust Major Hardy to take your place."

Hardy then spoke up. "Don't worry Captain I'll notify you when we need you."

"Thank you major."

As Steve went to the door to leave he then looked back and noticed the general. He couldn't resist.

"Oh and I believe you have your orders to the medic, if you'll kindly see to it I'll be sure to inform the General as soon as you've seen them about that jaw. Sir."

'Why you insolent little punk!' Lane decided to patronize him. "No need Captain I'll have one sent here.  But I appreciate your sentiments."

Steve stepped of the conference room with a smile on his face and a stride in his step knowing he got one up on the general.

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